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Dlulela kokuphakathi

Dlulela ohlwini lokuphathi




Sebenzisa lo msebenzi oprintwayo ukuze ufunde kumngani kaJehova u-Abela.

Bazali, fundani futhi nixoxe nezingane zenu ngoGenesise 4:2-5 namaHebheru 11:4.

Dawuniloda futhi uprinte lo msebenzi.

Sikani izithombe ezisekhasini lokuqala bese nilandela indlela yokuhlanganisa izithombe ezimayo esekhasini lesibili. Njengoba nisebenza ndawonye, xoxani ngemibuzo ekuvidiyo. Uma unezinye izithombe ezimayo zale misebenzi, ungazihlanganisa zonke wenze ibhuku.