What qualifications should Christian overseers meet to a reasonable degree?
Congregation overseers also need to be exemplary in fulfilling what Christian requirements?
Mt 28:19, 20; Ga 5:22, 23; 6:1; Eph 5:28; 6:4; 1Ti 4:15; 2Ti 1:14; Tit 2:12, 14; Heb 10:24, 25; 1Pe 3:13
What qualifications should ministerial servants meet to a reasonable degree?
How is God’s spirit involved when brothers are appointed as overseers?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ac 13:2-5; 14:23—Traveling overseers Paul and Barnabas make appointments of responsible men in various congregations; circuit overseers today do likewise, praying for holy spirit and carefully adhering to the spirit-inspired Scriptures, which lay out the qualifications
Tit 1:1, 5—Titus is entrusted with the work of traveling to various congregations, making appointments of elders
To whom does the congregation belong, and what price was paid for it?
Why are overseers described as those who minister to, or serve, others?
Why must overseers remain humble?
How does a Christian overseer view direction that comes from “the faithful and discreet slave”?
What is the best way for elders to teach others?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ne 5:14-16—Because of his awe and respect for Jehovah, Governor Nehemiah refrains from misusing his authority over God’s people, not even taking what is due him
Joh 13:12-15—Jesus teaches his followers by setting the example in being humble
How can a Christian shepherd show loving concern for each individual in the congregation?
How do elders assist those who are spiritually sick?
When teaching, what responsibility do elders have?
1Ti 1:3-7; 2Ti 2:16-18; Tit 1:9
See also 2Co 11:2-4
Why must elders be diligent about keeping the congregation morally clean?
1Co 5:1-5, 12, 13; Jas 3:17; Jude 3, 4; Re 2:18, 20
See also 1Ti 5:1, 2, 22
Elders are actively involved in what training?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Mt 10:5-20—Jesus trains his 12 apostles before sending them out in the preaching work
Lu 10:1-11—Jesus gives 70 disciples careful instructions before sending them out in the preaching work
What will help elders to care for their many responsibilities?
See also Pr 3:5, 6
Relevant Bible account(s):
1Ki 3:9-12—King Solomon prays to Jehovah for the discernment and understanding needed to judge Jehovah’s people
2Ch 19:4-7—King Jehoshaphat appoints judges in the cities of Judah, reminding them that Jehovah will be with them as they carry out this awesome responsibility
How should the congregation view faithful overseers?
1Th 5:12, 13; 1Ti 5:17; Heb 13:7, 17
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ac 20:37—The Ephesian elders do not hesitate to show their affection for the apostle Paul
Ac 28:14-16—As the apostle Paul journeys toward Rome, brothers from that city travel some 65 kilometers (40 mi) to meet him at the Marketplace of Appius, encouraging him greatly