Scriptures for Christian Living will make it easy for you to locate Bible verses and accounts that can help you deal with the challenges you face. It will also aid you in finding just the right Bible passages to encourage others and to help them make decisions that honor Jehovah. Simply locate the topic you need, and let the pointed questions and short summaries of Bible accounts guide you along. (See the box “ How to Navigate This Publication.”) You will soon find a wealth of relevant and useful counsel, guidance, and comfort from God’s Word. You will also find treasures to share with others—Bible verses that will lift their spirits, help them with their problems, and provide them with counsel and encouragement.
This publication does not list all the scriptures on a given topic. But it is an excellent starting point for your research. (Pr 2:1-6) To dig deeper, use the marginal references and the study notes in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Use the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Watch Tower Publications Index to study more fully the meaning of a scripture or its application. Consult what has been published most recently to be sure that you have the latest understanding of Scriptural truths.
May Scriptures for Christian Living help you uncover the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding contained in the Holy Scriptures. As you use this publication, you will be ever more convinced that “the word of God is alive and exerts power.”—Heb 4:12.