Ikili-tɔɔ Ziova Ma Yɛɛ Berei Saŋsiŋ E Gɛ Lai
“Oo Ŋwala-wala Kelee Yawɛɛ, ŋgili e lɛɛ iŋa. Oo Ɣala, kpera yɛ, ye wala-wala tɛɛ mbɔ ŋɔnɔ.”—MS. 16:28.
1-2. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku mɛni maa-kɔri la e pilaŋ Saŋsiŋ ma?
WHEN you hear this name Samson, wetin you can think about? Maybe you can think about how he was very strong. That true. But Samson make some bad decision them that make him to really suffer. But still, Jehovah focus on all the good-good thing them that Samson did to serve him. And Jehovah even put his story in the Bible for our own benefit.
2 Jehovah use Samson to do wonderful thing them to help his people, the Israelite them. Plenty years after Samson die, Jehovah still tell the apostle Paul to write his name among the name of the men them that was having strong faith. (Heb. 11:32-34) Samson example can encourage us. He trust in Jehovah even when he was going through serious problems. Let see what encouragement we can get and what other good-good lesson them we can learn from his example.
3. Tii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Ziova e dɛɛ Saŋsiŋ pɔi?
3 The time they born Samson, that the Philistines were ruling over the nation of Israel and suffering them. (Judg. 13:1) The Israelite them suffer bad way because the Philistines were wicked. Jehovah choose Samson to “take the lead in saving Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.” (Judg. 13:5) This assignment was really hard. For him to be able to do this assignment, he was suppose to trust in Jehovah.
Samson trust in Jehovah and he was willing to make change to serve Jehovah the best way. He use what he was having to do God will (See paragraphs 4-5)
4. Ziova e kpɔŋ leŋ Saŋsiŋ ma a gɛɛ e gbiŋ ŋuŋ maa ɓo Felesia-ŋai yeei? (M̀ɛni-sâa ɓó-ɓelai 15:14-16)
4 Let see the example that show how Samson trust in Jehovah and how he rely on him for support. One time, the Philistine army came to arrest Samson in Lehi, maybe in Judah. The men them from Judah were scary, so they decide to turn Samson over to the enemy. Samson own people them tie him good with two new ropes and bring him to the Philistines. (Judg. 15:9-13) But, “Jehovah’s spirit empowered” Samson and he free himself from the ropes. Then he “found a fresh jawbone of a male donkey,” he pick it up, and use it to kill 1,000 Philistine men them!—Read Judges 15:14-16.
5. Berei Saŋsiŋ e tii kɛ la a ŋwɛlɛ-soo nɛɣɛŋ-kaoi e nɛ leŋ a gɛɛ e kɛ a gili-too Ziova ma?
5 The donkey jawbone was not weapon that people use to fight war with. So why Samson use it? Samson knew that Jehovah was going to help him to destroy the Philistines with any weapon he use. This faithful man use the weapon that was there to fulfill Jehovah will. So it clear, that Samson was able to destroy 1,000 Philistines because he rely on Jehovah.
6. Kwa kɛ tii kelee ta kɛi Ziova mi, le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔrii Saŋsiŋ ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai su?
6 Jehovah can also give us the strength we need to do anything he ask us to do even if we feel that we not able to do it. God can do it in the way that can surprise us. Trust that Jehovah will help you to do His will the same way he help Samson so long you rely on Him.—Prov. 16:3.
7. Mɛni-kɔɔŋ-maa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe nɛ a gɛɛ nɛlɛɛi ku kukili tɔɔ Ziova ma a gɛɛ e ku teniŋ tɔɔ?
7 Plenty brother and sister them that working on construction projects na show that they trust in Jehovah. Before, the brother them use to design and build most of the new Kingdom Halls and other building them. Because plenty people getting baptize, the organization needed to make some changes. The brother them that taking the lead pray to Jehovah for direction and try new way them like, buying properties and renovating them. Robert who been working on some of the building projects around the world say, “From the beginning, it was not easy for some of the brother them to accept this new way.” He also say: “It was really different from what we been doing for plenty years. But the brother them were willing to adjust to this new way them. And it clear that Jehovah blessing this new change that the organization na make.” That just one example here to show how Jehovah guiding his people to do his will. From time to time, all of us must ask our self, ‘I following Jehovah direction and willing to make changes so I can serve him the best way?
8. Tãi tɔnɔ le ɓe Saŋsiŋ e gɛ tãi kpele wɛli ŋanaa e zoŋ lai?
8 Maybe you na read about other surprising thing them that samson use to do. By himself, he kill one lion and later kill 30 Philistines in the city they call Ashkelon. (Judg. 14:5, 6, 19) Samson knew that he was not going to do any of this thing them without Jehovah helping him. We see clear proof the time he kill the 1,000 Philistines and he get thirsty bad way. Wetin he do? Instead of depending on himself to find water to drink, he ask Jehovah to help him.—Judg. 15:18.
9. Ziova e Saŋsiŋ woo su too leŋ gɛɛ aa vɛli kpɔŋ maa mɛni ma? (M̀ɛni-sâa ɓó-ɓelai 15:19 da fonoi)
9 Jehovah answer Samson prayer by performing miracle to provide water for Samson to drink. When Samson drink the water, his strength come back and he was feeling fine. (Read Judges 15:19 and footnote.) Maybe this place where he take the water from was still there when Jehovah told the prophet Samuel to write the book of Judges. Maybe when the Israelite them saw this water, it remind them that if they rely on Jehovah, He will help them when they going through problem.
Samson got his strength back after he drink the water that Jehovah gave him. Like Samson, we must accept the help that Jehovah giving us to remain faithful (See paragraph 10)
10. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku gɛ kwa kɛ Ziova fɛlii kpɔŋ-maa mɛni ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)
10 We too need to look to Jehovah for help no matter what we able to do or already na do in his service. We must be humble and know that any success in our service to Jehovah can only be possible when we rely on Jehovah. The same way Samson get his strength back when he drink the water Jehovah gave him, that the same way we will be spiritually strong when we make good use of the thing them that Jehovah can give us.—Matt. 11:28.
11. Kwa pɔri tii kɛi leŋ a nɛlɛɛ a gbɔŋ-maai Ziova aa dɛɛ kupɔi? Gɔɔŋ-maa lɛ.
11 Let look at Aleksey example. He one of our brother them that they persecuting in Russia. Wetin na help him to endure this kind na bad situation? He and his wife get set time to always study the Bible and worship Jehovah. He say: “I can try to keep doing my personal study and Bible reading every day. Every morning, me and my wife can do the daily text and pray to Jehovah together.” What the lesson for us? Instead of us depending on our self, we must rely on Jehovah. How? By always doing thing them that will make our faith strong like, studying the Bible, attending meetings, praying, and preaching. Then Jehovah will bless the effort we making to serve him. The same way he gave Samson the strength, He will surely give us strength too.
12. Mɛni-kpɛtɛɛ nyɔmɔɔ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Saŋsiŋ e gɛ, nyaŋ tãi ta nyiŋi e kɛ leŋ a dakpɛni mɛni-ŋai dia e tɛɛ zu a bɔlɔi?
12 Samson was not perfect just how we not perfect. So sometime, he use to make some bad decision them. He made one decision that cause serious problems. After Samson serve as judge for some time, he fell in love with one woman in the Valley they call Sorek. Her name was Delilah. (Judg. 16:4) Before this, Samson wanted to marry one Philistine woman. Jehovah told Samson to do it so that Samson can get the opportunity to fight against the Philistines. Later on, Samson stay in one prostitute house in the Philistine city they call Gaza. That time, God gave Samson the strength to move the city gate and make it easy to enter. (Judg. 14:1-4; 16:1-3) Delilah case was different maybe, because she was Israelite.
13. Dilala e gɛ leŋ Saŋsiŋ e too mɛni-kpɔlu su?
13 Delilah take plenty money from the Philistine them so she can betray Samson. You think that the love he was having for her make him to trust her bad way that he not see what she was coming do? We not know, but Delilah continue to ask Samson wetin was making him strong, and finally he tell her. Sad to say, Samson mistake make him to lose all his strength and make Jehovah to not be happy with him for some time.—Judg. 16:16-20.
14. Mɛni-kpɔlu kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Saŋsiŋ e tɛɛ zu gɛɛ aa laa a Dilala?
14 Plenty bad things happen to Samson because he trust Delilah instead of Jehovah. The Philistines catch Samson and make him blind. They put him in jail in Gaza, the area where he spoil the city gate. So they make him slave, and he use to grind food. Then the Philistines disgrace Samson by carrying him to one of their party. They make one big sacrifice to their false god Dagon because they believe that this false god made them to catch Samson. They take Samson from in jail and carry him to the party so that they can make fun out of him.—Judg. 16:21-25.
Jehovah gave Samson strength to destroy the Philistines (See paragraph 15)
15. Saŋsiŋ e nɛ leŋ a gɛɛ e ŋɔnɔ gili tɔɔ Ziova ma? (M̀ɛni-sâa ɓó-ɓelai 16:28-30) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)
15 Samson made serious mistake, but he not stop trying to do Jehovah will. He look for way to fight against the Philistines and that what Jehovah wanted him to do. (Read Judges 16:28-30.) Samson beg Jehovah: “Let me take revenge on the Philistines.” The true God answer Samson prayer and gave him special strength again. Because of that, Samson kill plenty Philistines on that occasion more than ever before.
16. Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔrii Saŋsiŋ ŋɔpɔara-maa-mɛnii su?
16 Even though Samson suffer because of his mistake, he not stop trying to do Jehovah will. So even if we make mistake and we receive correction or we lose our privilege, we must not give up. Remember that Jehovah always ready to forgive. (Ps. 103:8-10) Even though we can make mistakes, Jehovah can still use us just like Samson.
Samson was feeling bad about his mistake, but he not give up, so we must not give up too (See paragraphs 17-18)
17-18. Le ɓe ŋwɛli kaa ya e pilaŋ Michael ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)
17 Let look at the example of one young brother name Michael. He was busy serving Jehovah. He was ministerial servant and regular pioneer. But sad to say, he made one mistake that made him to lose his privilege them in the congregation. He say, “Before I made this mistake, I was very busy serving Jehovah. Then after I made the mistake, I just start feeling that I can’t do anything in Jehovah service again. I knew that Jehovah will never leave me, but I also use to be thinking whether my friendship with him will ever be the same again. Or whether I will be able to serve him in the congregation the same way again.”
18 Michael did well, he not give up. He say: “I work hard to get close friendship with Jehovah by always praying, studying, and thinking on the thing them I study.” Later on, he got his privilege them back. Now-now he elder and regular pioneer. He say: “The support and encouragement I get, mainly from the elder them, help me to know that Jehovah still love me. I can serve in the congregation again with clean conscience. This experience na teach me that Jehovah will forgive anybody who repent from their heart.” So long we try hard to correct our mistakes and continue to rely on him, we can be sure that Jehovah will use us and bless us too even if we make mistake before.—Ps. 86:5; Prov. 28:13.
19. Saŋsiŋ ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai aa ilaa-lai su kpanaŋ leŋ?
19 In this article, we na talk about some interesting thing them that happen in Samson life. He was not perfect, but he never stop serving Jehovah even after the mistake he made with Delilah. And Jehovah not give up on him. God use Samson again in one special way. Jehovah still look at him to be someone who show strong faith, and even put his name among the faithful people in Hebrews chapter 11. It encouraging to know that the God we serving really want help us, especially when we going through problems and when we need his help! So, like Samson, yor let beg Jehovah: “Remember me, please, and strengthen me.”—Judg. 16:28.
a Samson that someone in the Bible who plenty people know. Even people who not know the Bible good-good know this man. They na talk about his story in plenty drama, songs, and even in video. But Samson story that not just spider story. We can learn plenty thing them from him because of his strong faith.