Ɣala Ŋɔwooi Maa Kpɛɛ A Nɛlɛɛ
“Ka tare zu berei wɛli-kɛ-maa ŋɔŋa-kɛtɛ, ŋɔkoyaa, da ŋɔtɔɔ mɛi kaa lai, da berei ziŋɔɔi lai.”—IF. 3:18.
1-2. Kwa pɔri Ŋala-kɔlɔi maa-kɔrii leŋ a nɛlɛɛ? Gɔɔŋ-maa lɛ.
IMAGINE that you thinking about buying one house. Wetin you will want see before you make your decision? You will just want see picture that showing the front part of the house? No, we sure you will want go see the house for yourself and walk around it. You will go inside and check all the room them and everything in the house. You will even want talk with somebody who know how they build the house. So, it clear that you will want see every part of the house that you want buy.
2 We can do the same thing when we read and study the Bible. One writer say, “The Bible looking like one big tall building that get strong foundation.” So, how we can know everything in the Bible good-good? If you just read it quick-quick, maybe you will only learn the basic teachings that the Bible call “the elementary things of the sacred pronouncements of God.” (Heb. 5:12) But the same way you need to go in the house to know more about it, that just how you need to take time to study the Bible to know it good-good. One good way to study the Bible that to see how different-different part of the Bible go in line with each other. Fight hard to understand what you believe from the Bible and also why you believe them.
3. Le ɓe zia-nuui Pɔɔ e maraŋ Korai-ɓela fɔrɔ a gɛɛ di gɛ, nyaŋ le mɛni ma? (Ifisiɛŋ 3:14-19)
3 To understand the whole Bible good-good, we must take time to study the deep things inside. The apostle Paul tell his brother and sister them to study the Bible good-good so they can understand the “breadth and length and height and depth” of the truth. Then it will help them to be more strong in the truth. (Read Ephesians 3:.) We need to do the same thing. Let see how we can take time to study the Bible and understand it good-good. 14-19
4. Le ɓe kwa pɔri gɛi a gɛɛ ku laa a Ziova? Gɔɔŋ-maa lɛ.
4 Christians must not only want understand the basic teaching in the Bible. With the help of God holy spirit, we must also really want learn “even the deep things of God.” (1 Cor. 2:9, 10) You not think it will be good to do some deep study that will help you get more close to Jehovah? For example, maybe you can study about how God show his love for his servant them way back and how it prove that he love you too. You can also study about how Jehovah wanted for the Israelite them way back to worship him and compare it to how he want for us to worship him today. Or maybe you can do deep study on the prophecy them that Jesus fulfill when he was on earth preaching.
5. Mɛni-ŋuŋ ta kaa naa nyii ya pai ŋwɛlii a gɛɛ I mɛni maa-kɔriɛ kɛ e pilaŋ ma?
5 They ask some people who like to do deep study on the Bible about what they want do more research on in the Bible. Some of the answer them they gave, in the box “ Ideas for Studying the Bible Good-Good.” You will really be happy when you use the Watch Tower Publications Index or the Research Guide for Jehovah Witnesses to study this topic them. When you do deep Bible study, it can make your faith strong and help you to “find the knowledge of God.” (Prov. 2:4, 5) So yor let talk about some deep Bible truths that we can study good-good.
6. (a) Le ɓe mɛni-kpɛtɛɛ kɛ a dakpɛni kpɛtɛ-mɛni ma? (b) Le mɛni ɓe kwa pɔri moi la a gɛɛ Ziova kpɛtɛ-mɛni e pilaŋ nuu-kpune da nɔii ma kaa a “wɔlɔ-wɔlɔ mɛni-kpɛtɛɛ”? (Ifisiɛŋ 3:11)
6 For example, think about what the Bible say about God purpose. Plan and purpose very different from each other. We can compare plan to the road that you want take to reach to where you going. But if something block that road, maybe you will not be able to reach to the place you going. But we can compare purpose to the place itself we want go. We know the main place we want go but we can take different-different road to reach there. If one road block, we can take different one. We happy that Jehovah na show us his “eternal purpose” in the Bible small-small. (See study note on Ephesians 3:11.) No matter what happen, Jehovah can always be successful because he “made everything work for his purpose.” (Prov. 16:4) And anything Jehovah do to fulfill his purpose, will last forever. What Jehovah purpose, and wetin all he na change to fulfill it?
7. Adaŋ da Ii di woo-pilii polu ma, le ɓe Ziova e gɛ a gɛɛ e gbɛtɛ-mɛni ŋaa-see kɛ? (Maafiu 25:34)
7 God explain to Adam and Eve his purpose for them. He wanted them to “be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection . . . every living creature” on earth. (Gen. 1:28) When Adam and Eve disobey and brought sin on us, it not stop Jehovah from fulfilling his purpose. He change the way he will fulfill his purpose. Right after they disobey, He decide to set up one Kingdom in heaven that will fulfill His original purpose for human being and the earth. (Read Matthew 25:34.) When the time Jehovah set reach, he sent his firstborn Son to the earth to teach people about this Government and give his life to save us from sin and death. Then Jehovah brought Jesus back to life. And later on, Jesus went back to heaven to be King for God Kingdom. But we still get plenty things to learn about God purpose.
Imagine the time when all Jehovah servant them in heaven and on earth will be united and loyal to Jehovah! (See paragraph 8)
8. a) Le ɓa mɛni-ŋuŋ Ŋala-kɔlɔi su? (b) Yɛɛ berei gaa la Ifisiɛŋ 1:8-11 sui, le kpɔɔi ɓa Ziova kpɛtɛ-mɛni? (Ya pɔri votooi Watchtower tuɛ-laa mai kaai.)
8 The main topic the Bible talking about that, Jehovah will use his Kingdom that Jesus ruling to clear His name and fulfill His purpose for the earth. Nothing can change Jehovah purpose. He promise that everything will happen the way he say it. (Isa. 46:10, 11, ftns.; Heb. 6:17, 18) The earth will soon change to paradise and Adam and Eve children them who perfect and righteous will “enjoy life forever.” (Ps. 22:26) That not all the things Jehovah get to do. Jehovah main purpose that for all His servant them in heaven and on earth to be united. Then all the people who will be living will stick to Jehovah and obey him as their ruler. (Read Ephesians 1:8-11.) Ehn it really touch your heart to see the wonderful way that Jehovah will fulfill his purpose?
9. Kwa kɛ Ŋala-kɔlɔi lonoi, le ɓe kwa maa-kɔri e pilaŋ tinaa-tuɛ-pere ma?
9 Let look at the prophecy that Jehovah talk about in the garden of Eden, in Genesis 3:15. b It talk about different-different thing them that will fulfill his purpose. But this thing them was not coming happen until after plenty years. For example, God told Abraham that after plenty years, the Messiah was coming be born through his family line. (Gen. 22:15-18) Then, in 33 C.E., they kill Jesus or struck him in the heel, just how it was prophesy. (Acts 3:13-15) The last part of that prophecy that for the offspring to destroy Satan or crush him in the head. And more than 1,000 years will pass before it happen. (Rev. 20:7-10) And the Bible give us more information about what will happen when the hatred between Satan system and Jehovah organization coming to the end.
10. (a) Le mɛni-ŋa ɓe kuŋɛi kaa perei mɛni ma tãi kpua yee mu? (b) Kwa pɔri kukpiŋ kpɛtɛi leŋ mɛni-ŋai ti mɛni ma? (Ya pɔri fonoi kaai.)
10 Think about the thing them that the Bible say will happen in the future. First, the nation them will say they get “peace and security!” (1 Thess. 5:2, 3) Right away, the great tribulation will start when the nation them attack all false religion. (Rev. 17:16) After that, we will see the sign of “the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” (Matt. 24:30) Jesus will judge people by separating the sheep from the goats. (Matt. 25:31-33, 46) During this time, Satan will continue going against Jehovah will. Because he hate God people bad way, he will make the nation them that the Bible call Gog of the land of Magog to attack Jehovah people. (Ezek. 38:2, 10, 11) Certain time during the great tribulation, all the anointed that will still be on earth will go to heaven and join Jesus and the army in heaven to fight the war of Armageddon. And this war will be the last part of the great tribulation. c (Matt. 24:31; Rev. 16:14, 16) Then the One Thousand Year that Jesus will rule over the earth for, will start.—Rev. 20:6.
How close you and Jehovah will be after you learn about him for plenty-plenty years? (See paragraph 11)
11. Wɔlɔ-wɔlɔ fulu-laa sukulai ɓa le imɛni ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)
11 Now just think about how your future will be looking after the 1,000 years. The Bible say that Jehovah na even put the desire to live forever in our heart. (Eccl. 3:11) Just think about what that one mean for you and your friendship with Jehovah. The book Draw Close to Jehovah, page 319, say something that really interesting. It say: “After we na live for hundreds, thousands, millions, even billions of years, we will know plenty thing them about Jehovah more than what we know about him now-now. But we will still feel that we get plenty-plenty wonderful things we can still learn about him. We can’t even imagine how beautiful and interesting life will be looking in paradise. And the thing that important pass all this one them that, we will be getting more close to Jehovah.” But now-now, wetin else we can learn when we studying the Bible?
12. Kwa pɔri kuŋɛi tɛi leŋ ŋelei su? Gɔɔŋ-maa lɛ.
12 The Bible gave small idea about how it looking like to be in Jehovah presence in heaven. (Isa. 33:5) The Bible show wonderful thing them about Jehovah and the heavenly part of his organization. (Isa. 6:1-4; Dan. 7:9, 10; Rev. 4:1-6) For example, we can read about the wonderful thing them that Ezekiel saw when ‘the heavens were open and [he] started seeing the visions of God.’—Ezek. 1:1.
13. Yɛɛ berei gaa la Ibulu 4:14-16 sui, le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku yee-see-mu lɛ la Zisɛ ŋɔtii mɛni ma ɣala-taa?
13 Also, think about what Jesus doing in heaven as our King and High Priest that can really feel sorry for us. Through him we can come before the “throne of undeserved kindness” and pray for mercy and help “at the right time.” (Read Hebrews 4:14-16.) Every day we must think good-good about what Jehovah and Jesus na do and still doing for us from the heaven. Their love for us must really touch our heart and make us to get zeal when we serving Jehovah.—2 Cor. 5:14, 15.
Imagine how you will be happy in the new world to know that you help people to be Jehovah Witness and Jesus disciple! (See paragraph 14)
14. Le ɓa mɛni lɛlɛɛi dɔnɔ nyii kwa pɔri gɛi a gɛɛ ku kuyee-see-mui lɛ Ziova da Zisɛ mɛni ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)
14 One of the best ways to say thank you to God and his Son that to try hard to help people be Jehovah Witness and Jesus disciple. (Matt. 28:19, 20) That what the apostle Paul do because he was grateful for what Jehovah and Jesus na do. He knew that Jehovah will that for “different-different people to be save and get accurate knowledge about the truth.” (1 Tim. 2:3, 4) So he really work hard in the preaching work to help plenty people so that “by all possible means some of them can be save.”—1 Cor. 9:22, 23.
15. Yɛɛ berei gaa la Ŋule-wooi 1:2 sui, le ɓe pai kulii nɛ̃ɛi?
15 The person that write Psalm 1 say, for somebody to be happy and successful, they must “enjoy studying Jehovah law and think good-good on His law every day and night.” (Ps. 1:1-3; ftn.) One Bible translator name Joseph Rotherham, talk about this scripture in his book they call Studies in the Psalms. He say that the person must really “want God to guide them till it make them to look for what God say, learn it and spend long time thinking about it.” He also say that if “any day pass and the person not read the Bible, that day spoil.” You will enjoy studying the Bible by taking interest in all the plenty important thing them that inside. And also try to see how they go in line with each other. It can really make us happy when we study the Bible good-good!
16. Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi nɛɛ polui su?
16 The fine-fine thing them that Jehovah teach us in the Bible not too hard to understand. In the next article, we will learn about one deep Bible truth and that Jehovah great spiritual temple. Paul talk about it in the letter he write to the Hebrew Christians. We hope that studying that topic will really make you happy.
a Studying the Bible can make us to be happy throughout our lives. It can benefit us and help us to get close to our Father Jehovah. In this article, we will learn how we can study the whole Bible good-good.
b See the article “An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You” in the July 2022 Watchtower.
c To learn how to prepare yourself for the thing them that will soon happen in the future, see the book God’s Kingdom Rules! p. 230.