ŊULEI 51 Kwaâ Kúkpîŋ Tɛɛ Ɣâla Pɔ́!
Mɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai Kwa Pɔri Maa-kɔrii Nazarɛ-ŋai Yeei
“Tãi ma a naa gbiŋ tɛɛ la Yawɛɛ pɔi, maa waai Yawɛɛ ŋɛi.” —NƆ. 6:8.
We will learn in this article how the Nazirites example can help us to get courage and be willing to make sacrifice to serve Jehovah.
1. Tua-pere lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Ziova fɛli-ɓela daa wɔlɔ tua nɛi?
YOU really love Jehovah? We sure you love him! And that not your one, because throughout history plenty people been having the same feeling too. (Ps. 104:33, 34) Plenty of them made sacrifices to serve Jehovah. That what the Nazirites way back in Israel use to do. Who them they call Nazirites, and wetin we can learn from their example?
2. (a) Gbɛɛ-ni ɓe kɛ a Nazarɛ-ŋai? (Nɔŋba 6:1, 2) (b)Le mɛni ɓe Eezuɛ-ŋai taŋa di mɛni-kpɛtɛɛ kɛ la a gɛɛ dikɛ a Nazarɛ-nuui?
2 The word “Nazirite” coming from the Hebrew word that mean “One Singled Out,” “Separated One,” or “Dedicated One.” The Nazirites were Israelites who were having zeal and made certain sacrifices to serve Jehovah in a special way. In the Law God gave to Moses, man or woman use to make special vow to Jehovah to live as Nazirite for certain amount of time. a (Read Numbers 6:1, 2.) When any Israelite made that vow, he will have to follow certain laws the other Israelite them will not follow. So, why some Israelites use to choose to take the vow to be Nazirite? Maybe it was because they really love Jehovah and wanted to show that they were grateful for His plenty blessings.—Deut. 6:5; 16:17.
3. Ɣala ŋɔnuai dikaa leŋ saa yɛɛ Nazarɛ-ŋai?
3 The Nazirite arrangement stop when Jehovah change the Mosaic Law to “the law of the Christ.” (Gal. 6:2; Rom. 10:4) But just like the Nazirites, Jehovah people today continue to show that they want serve him with their whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Mark 12:30) We can make the vow to serve Jehovah when we dedicate our life to Him. To stick to that vow, we must do Jehovah will and make sacrifices to serve him. We coming talk about some examples about how the Nazirites stick to their vows. Their examples can teach us some good-good lessons about how we can stick to our own of vows. b (Matt. 16:24).
4. Yɛɛ berei Nɔŋba 6:3, 4 e mo lai, mɛni-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Nazarɛ-ŋa di dikili kula zui?
4 Read Numbers 6:3, 4. Nazirites suppose to stay away from liquor and they not suppose to eat anything that come from the plant that can produce grape. The people around them always use to enjoy food them like this because it was not wrong to eat them. In fact the Bible say, “wine that makes man’s heart rejoice” that gift from God. (Ps. 104:14, 15) Still, the Nazirites were willing to sacrifice their right to enjoy this thing them. c
You willing to make sacrifices just like the Nazirites? (See paragraphs 4-6)
5. Mɛni-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Madián da Marcela di dipolu tɔɔ mai, nyaŋ le mɛni ma?
5 Like the Nazirites, we our self too can make sacrifices to do more for Jehovah. Let look at the example of Madián and Marcela. d Things were alright with the brother and his wife. Madián was having good job that allow them to live in one fine house. But they wanted to do more for Jehovah. To do that one, they decided to make some changes. They say: “We stop spending too much money. We move in one small house and sell our car.” Madián and Marcela were not force to make this sacrifices, but they decide to do it because they wanted to do more to serve Jehovah. They enjoying their self and they happy that they made this decision.
6. Le mɛni ɓe Korai-ɓela da saa dikili kula la mɛni taŋa sui? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)
6 Christians today can be happy to make sacrifices, so that they can be having more time to serve Jehovah. (1 Cor. 9:3-6) Jehovah not say we must make this sacrifices. And it not mean we stop doing this thing them because they wrong. For example, some people can leave their good job that they like or even their house. Plenty people can decide to not marry or born children for certain time. Some people na decide to move to area where they need more publishers even though it mean going far away from their family and friends. Plenty of us willing to make this sacrifices because we want give Jehovah our best. Know that Jehovah really value any sacrifice you make to serve him, whether it big or it small.—Heb. 6:10.
7. Mɛni-kpanaŋ kɛɛ leŋ Nazarɛ-nuu a pɔri kɛ tɛɛi zu a gɛɛ e dɔŋ mɛi-kaai? (Nɔŋba 6:5) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)
7 Read Numbers 6:5. Nazirites vow to not cut their hair. That was one way to show that they give their self to Jehovah. If somebody was Nazirite for long time, their hair will get long and it will be easy for other people to notice it. It use to be easy for the Nazirite to stick to his vow if the other people around him encourage him. But sad to say, certain time in Israel, they never use to respect the Nazirites or encourage them. In the time of the prophet Amos, wicked Israelites “kept giving the Nazirites wine to drink.” Maybe this wicked Israelites were doing it so the Nazirites can break their vow to not drink liquor. (Amos 2:12) Sometime, it use to take real effort for the Nazirite to stick to his vow and be different from other people.
Any Nazirite who stick to his vow was willing to be different (See paragraph 7)
8. Le ɓe ilii soŋ e pilaŋ Benjamin ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai ma?
8 With the help of Jehovah, we our self too can get the courage to be different even if we get shame face. Let look at the example of Benjamin, one ten-year-old Jehovah Witness in Norway. His school was having program to show that they on Ukraine side because of the war. They tell the children to dress in Ukraine flag colors and sing one song. Benjamin plan to not attend this program because it was coming make him to not be neutral. So he went and stand far away from where they were having the program. But one of the teacher saw him and yell with his name. She say: “You need to come join us. All of us waiting for you!” Benjamin was brave, and walk to the teacher and say: “I neutral, and I can’t put my hand in anything about politics. In fact, plenty Jehovah Witness in jail because they refuse to go fight war.” So the teacher agree with what he say, and told him that he was not force to attend the program. But his classmate them start asking him why he not want join them. Benjamin was scare bad way, small more he was coming to cry. But he was brave to tell the whole class the same thing he tell the teacher. From there, Benjamin tell his parents that he feel that it was Jehovah who help him to defend his belief.
9. Pere sii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa pɔri gɛi Ziova lii e nɛ̃ɛ lai?
9 Other people can notice that we different from them when we choose to obey Jehovah. We need courage to tell our friend them to our working place or in school that we Jehovah Witness. And when people behavior in this world continue to get worse, it will be really hard to live by what the Bible say and preach the good news to other people. (2 Tim. 1:8; 3:13) But always remember that we can “make [Jehovah’s] heart rejoice” when we show courage to be different from people who not serving him.—Prov. 27:11; Mal. 3:18.
10. Tãi ta mɛni-ŋai Nɔŋba 6:6, 7 e moi, ee pɔri kɛi leŋ a sukɔɔŋ Nazɛra-ŋai mɛni ma?
10 Read Numbers 6:6, 7. Nazirites not suppose to go near any dead body. But during that time, it never use to be easy for Nazirite to obey this law when their close family member die. That time, it was force for people to go near dead body because of funeral traditions. (John 19:39, 40; Acts 9:36-40) But the Nazirites never use to go by that tradition because of their vow. Even when somebody die in his family, the Nazirite will show his strong faith by keeping his vow. We sure that Jehovah gave his people the strength to go through this problem.
11. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi Korai-nuu e gɛ a kɛ mɛni-kpɛtɛɛ kɛi e pilaŋ kaayɔɔ ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)
11 We Christians can take our dedication vow to Jehovah serious. It can affect what we do and the decisions we can make about our family. We can work hard to take care of our family, but we will never allow what our family want to come before what Jehovah want us to do. (Matt. 10:35-37; 1 Tim. 5:8) Sometime, it will mean making decisions that will make our family feel bad just to make Jehovah happy.
You willing to put Jehovah will first even if it really hard? (See paragraph 11) e
12. Tãi Alexandru ŋɔnɛnii e kɛ ŋwɛlii la e kpera Ŋala-kɔlɔi maa-kɔrii, le ɓe e gɛ nyaŋ le ɓe ve gɛ nii?
12 Let talk about the experience of Alexandru and his wife, Dorina. After two of them study the Bible for one year, Dorina stop studying and she say Alexandru must stop too. So she can’t feel bad, he take his time to tell her that he will continue his study. Dorina was not happy so she try to force him to make him stop. Alexandru say that he try to understand why his wife was acting like this, but it was not easy for him. Sometime, when Dorina criticize him and talk to him rough way, he use to feel like stopping his study. But Alexandru continue to put Jehovah first, and at the same time he really show love and respect to his wife. Because of his good example, she started studying the Bible again and she took the truth.—See on jw.org the video Alexandru and Dorina Văcar: “Love Patient and Kind” in the series “Truth Transforms Lives.”
13. Kwa pɔri wɛli-kɛ-maa lɛi leŋ Ziova ma da kukaayɔɔi su-ɓela?
13 That Jehovah created the family arrangement, and he want our family to be happy. (Eph. 3:14, 15) If we really want be happy, we must do what Jehovah want for us to do. When you serving Jehovah while taking care of your family and treating them with love and respect, always be convince that Jehovah value any sacrifice you make.—Rom. 12:10.
14. Gbɛɛ-ni titi ɓe kwa pɔri di fɔrɔi kulono-woo su?
14 Anybody who want worship Jehovah today must be willing to make sacrifices because they love him. But sometime it can’t be easy to do. How we can help each other to make sacrifices for Jehovah? We can do it by encouraging each other with what we say. (Job 16:5) You get some brother and sister them in your congregation who trying to make their life simple because they want do more for Jehovah? You know some young people who showing courage to be different from their friend them in school, even though it hard for them to do it? How about Bible students and fellow Christians who fighting hard to remain faithful, even though their family against them? Let use every opportunity to encourage them and tell them thank you for their courage and all the sacrifices they making to serve Jehovah.—Philem. 4, 5, 7.
15. Nua taŋa daa kpɔŋ maa tɛɛ leŋ diai pɔ nyii-ŋai tii kɛi Ziova mi a ditãi kelee?
15 Sometime, we will be able to help our brother and sister them who in full-time service. (Prov. 19:17; Heb. 13:16) That just what one faithful older sister in Sri Lanka wanted to do. They add her pension up, so she wanted to help two young sisters to continue pioneering, because things were hard on them. So she decided to give certain amount every month to help them pay for their telephone bill. That real good attitude the sister show!
16. Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔrii Nazɛra-ŋai dimɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai su wɔlɔ-wɔlɔ ti kɛi?
16 Yes, we can learn plenty things from the fine example the Nazirites set! But we can also learn something about our heavenly Father Jehovah from this arrangement. He know that we really want make him happy and that we willing to make sacrifices to live up to our dedication vow. He can show us honor by giving us the opportunity to decide to show our love for him. (Prov. 23:15, 16; Mark 10:28-30; 1 John 4:19) The Nazirite arrangement show that Jehovah can see the sacrifices we can make and that he love us because of what we can do to serve him. So, yor let try hard to continue serving Jehovah and be willing to give him our very best.
Pere sii-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Nazarɛ-ŋai di nɛ la a gɛɛ dikɛ Ziova fɛlii a dilii kelee, nyaŋ dilii kpeleɛ?
Kwa pɔri saa kukie-ni fɔrɔi leŋ a gɛɛ kukɛ yɛɛ Nazarɛ-ŋai?
Mɛni-kpɛtɛɛ a gɛɛ nua taŋa di kɛ a Nazarɛ-ŋa, a Ziova ŋɔkili-ŋa-siai lɛ leŋ e pilaŋ vɛli-ɓela dia?
ŊULEI 124 Ever Loyal
a Even though Jehovah choose some people to be Nazirites, most of the Israelites decided to be Nazirites on their own.—See the box “ The Nazirite Them Who Jehovah Choose.”
b Sometime, our publications can compare the Nazirites with people who in full-time service. But in this article, we will be talking about how all dedicated servants of Jehovah can be like the Nazirites.
c In general, it look like the Nazirites were not having any other work to do to fulfill their vow.
d See the article “We Decided to Simplify Our Lives”, on jw.org in the series “Experiences of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
e WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: The Nazirite upstairs looking at the people going to bury his close family member. He can’t take part in the funeral because of his vow.