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After Moses lead the Israelites for plenty years, he wor old and will soon die. Then Jehovah tell him say: ‘That not you will carry the Israelites to the Promise Land. But I will let you see the land.’ Then Moses tell Jehovah to choose new leader to take care of God people. Then Jehovah say: ‘Go to Joshua and tell him say, that he the one I choose.’
Moses tell the Israelite dem that he will soon die. And Jehovah na choose Joshua to carry them to the Promise Land. Then Moses tell Joshua: ‘Don’t be scare, Jehovah will help you.’ It not stay long, Moses went on top of the mountain they call Nebo. That the place Jehovah show him the land that He promise to give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses wor 120 years old when he die.
Jehovah tell Joshua say: ‘Cross the Jordan River, and go to Canaan. I will help you the same way I help Moses. Make sure to read my Law every day. Don’t be scare, be brave. Go and do the thing dem I tell you to do.’
Joshua send two person to go spy on Jericho. In the next lesson, we will learn more about what happen there. When they came back, they say it wor good time for them to go to Canaan. The next day, Joshua tell the Israelite dem to pack their things so they can go. Then he send the priest dem who wor carrying the ark of the covenant in front, to the Jordan River. The river wor full. But as soon the priest dem put their foot in the water, the river stop flowing and it dry! The priest dem walk until they reach in the middle of the river and they stand there until all the Israelite dem cross to the other side. You think this miracle remind them about what Jehovah did for them, when they wor to the Red Sea?
Finally, after all this year dem, the Israelites reach to the Promise Land. They started building their house dem and cities. They make garden, farm, and plant different-different fruit tree. The land wor flowing with milk and honey.
“Jehovah will always lead you and satisfy you even in a parched land.”—Isaiah 58:11