Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Zisɛ E Kɛ A Masayai

Zisɛ E Kɛ A Masayai

John use to preach and say: ‘The person who coming after me great pass me.’ When Jesus wor about 30 years old, he move from Galilee and go to the Jordan River, where John wor baptizing people. Jesus wanted for John to baptize him. But John say: ‘I not suppose to baptize you. That you suppose to baptize me.’ Jesus tell John say: ‘Jehovah want you to baptize me.’ So they go in the Jordan River, and John put Jesus whole body under the water.

After Jesus come from under the water, he pray. Right away, the heaven open and God spirit come down on him like dove. Then Jehovah talk from heaven and say: “You my Son, I really love you, and I happy with you.”

The time Jehovah spirit come down on Jesus, he became the Christ, or Messiah. He wor ready na to start during the work Jehovah send him to do on the earth.

Right after Jesus get baptize, he go in the wilderness and spend 40 days there. When he come back, he go see John. When Jesus wor reaching to him, John say: ‘See God Young Sheep who will take sin from in the world.’ When John say this one, he help the people to know that Jesus wor the Messiah. You know wetin happen to Jesus when he wor in the wilderness? Let find out.

“And one voice from heaven say: “You my Son, I really love you, and I happy with you.’”—Mark 1:11