Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Ɛtɛ E Ŋɔnuai Ŋuŋ Maa Ɓo

Ɛtɛ E Ŋɔnuai Ŋuŋ Maa Ɓo

Esther wor Jewish girl who wor living in the Persian city they call Shushan. Plenty years before, Nebuchadnezzar take her from her family in Jerusalem. Her cousin Mordecai wor taking care of her and he wor working for the king of Persia they call Ahasuerus.

King Ahasuerus wanted new queen. So his servants carry the fine-fine women dem that wor in the land. And Esther wor among them. Among all the women, the king choose Esther to be his queen. Mordecai tell Esther to not tell anybody that she wor Jew.

One proud man they call Haman wor the big man for all the prince dem. He wanted everybody to bow down to him. But Mordecai not do it. Haman wor too vex that he wanted to kill him. When Haman find out that Mordecai wor Jew, he think about way to kill all the Jews that wor in the land. So he tell the king say: ‘The Jewish people that bad people. So you need to get rid of them.’ Then King Ahasuerus tell Haman say: ‘Do anything you want do.’ And he give Haman the power to make the law. Haman made the law that tell the people to kill all the Jews on the 13th day of the month they call Adar. Jehovah wor just looking at them.

Esther not know about the law. So Mordecai send her one copy of the law and tell her say: ‘Go and talk with the king.’ Then Esther say: ‘If the king not invite anybody and they go there, they can kill the person. The king not invite me for 30 days now! But I will go. If he put his king stick up, I will live. But if he not do it, then I will die.’

Esther go to the king palace. As soon the king see her, he put his stick up. She go to him, and he ask her: ‘Esther, wetin you want me do for you?’ Then she say: ‘I want invite you and Haman to one party.’ When they wor to the party, Esther invite them to the second party. During the second party, the king ask her again: ‘Wetin you want me do for you?’ She say: ‘Somebody want kill me and my people. Please save us.’ Then the king ask her: ‘Who want kill you?’ Then Esther say: ‘That this bad man they call Haman.’ Ahasuerus wor too vex. So he give order for them to kill Haman right away.

But nobody wor able to cancel the law Haman made, even the king wor not able to do it. So the king make Mordecai the big man over the prince dem and give him the power to make new law. Mordecai made one law that make the Jews to be able to defend theirself when somebody attack them. On the 13th day of the month they call Adar, the Jews win the battle over their enemies. From that time, they use to celebrate their victory every year.

“They will carry you to governors and kings because of me, so that they and the nations can learn about me.”—Matthew 10:18