Exoda 27:1-21
27 U etse aletare ka sefate sa leoka.+ E be bolelele ba limithara tse ka holimonyana ho tse peli* le bophara ba limithara tse ka holimonyana ho tse peli.* Aletare e be le mahlakore a mane a lekanang ’me e be bophahamo bo ka holimonyana ho mithara.*+
2 U etse manaka+ lik’honeng tsa eona tse ’nè. Manaka ao e be karolo ea aletare ’me u koahele aletare ka koporo.+
3 U etse linkho tsa ho tlosa molora* oa eona le likharafu, likotlolo, lifereko le lipane tsa mollo. U etse lisebelisoa tsohle tsa eona ka koporo.+
4 U etsetse aletare sefe ea koporo ’me holim’a sefe eo u etse lireng tse ’nè tsa koporo lik’honeng tsa eona tse ’nè.
5 U e behe tlas’a foreimi ea aletare ’me sefe e lule bohareng ba aletare.
6 U etsetse aletare lipalo ka sefate sa leoka ’me u li koahele ka koporo.
7 Lipalo li kenngoe masobeng a lireng e le hore li ka ba mahlakoreng a mabeli a aletare ha e jaroa.+
8 U etse aletare hore e be lebokose le bulehileng la mapolanka. E etsoe feela joalokaha u e bontšitsoe thabeng.+
9 U kampele lebala+ la tabernakele. Ka lehlakoreng le ka boroa u kampele lebala ka masela a lepeletseng a line ea boleng bo botle e lohiloeng, a etsang bolelele ba limithara tse ka bang 45.*+
10 Masela a kampetseng lebala a be le lipilara tse 20 le litšehetso tse sekoti tse 20 tsa koporo. Lihakisi tsa lipilara le lireng* tsa tsona e be tsa silevera.
11 Masela a lepeletseng ka lehlakoreng le ka leboea le ’ona a etse bolelele ba limithara tse ka bang 45.* Hape ho be le lipilara tsa ’ona tse 20 le litšehetso tsa lipilara tse sekoti tse 20 tsa koporo le lihakisi tsa silevera le lireng* tsa silevera bakeng sa lipilara.
12 Ho be le masela a lepeletseng ka lehlakoreng le ka bophirimela a bolelele ba limithara tse ka bang 22* ho ea ka bophara ba lebala le lipilara tse leshome le litšehetso tse sekoti tse leshome.
13 Bophara ba lebala ka lehlakoreng le ka bochabela ke limithara tse ka bang 22.*
14 Ho be le masela a lepeletseng a bolelele ba limithara tse ka bang tse supileng* ka lehlakoreng le leng le lipilara tse tharo le litšehetso tse sekoti tse tharo.+
15 Ka lehlakoreng le leng ho be le masela a lepeletseng a bolelele ba limithara tse ka bang tse supileng* le lipilara tse tharo le litšehetso tse sekoti tse tharo.
16 Keiti ea lebala e be le kharetene e bolelele ba limithara tse ka bang robong* e entsoeng ka khoele e putsoa, ka ulu e pherese, ka lesela le lefubelu le ka line ea boleng bo botle e lohiloeng,+ li rokelloe hammoho ’me ho be le lipilara tse ’nè le litšehetso tsa tsona tse sekoti tse ’nè.+
17 Lipilara tsohle ho potoloha lebala li be le lintho tse li tlamellang tsa silevera le lihakisi tsa silevera empa litšehetso tsa lipilara tse sekoti e be tsa koporo.+
18 Bolelele ba lebala le kampetsoeng ka masela e be limithara tse ka bang 45*+ le bophara ba limithara tse ka bang 22* ’me masela ao a line ea boleng bo botle e lohiloeng a be bophahamo ba limithara tse ka holimonyana ho tse peli.* Hape a be le litšehetso tse sekoti tsa koporo.
19 Lintho tsohle tse sebelisoang tšebeletsong ea tabernakele le litšepe* tsohle tsa eona tsa tente hammoho le litšepe* tsohle tsa masela a lebala e be tsa koporo.+
20 U laele Baiseraele hore ba u tlisetse oli e hloekileng ea mohloaare o tutsoeng bakeng sa lebone e le hore mabone a lule a khantšitse.+
21 Ka har’a tabernakele,* ka ntle ho kharetene e pel’a Bopaki,+ Arone le bara ba hae ba hlophise hore mabone a lule a khantšitse ka pel’a Jehova ho tloha mantsiboea ho fihlela hoseng.+ Ke taelo e tla lula e le teng bakeng sa meloko eohle ea Baiseraele hore ba e phethe.+
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse tharo.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse hlano.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse hlano.” Setsoe se lekana le lisenthimithara tse 44,5. Sheba Ntlha ea B14.
^ Kapa: “molora o mafura” e leng molora o tšetsoeng ke mafura a mahlabelo.
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse 100.”
^ Kapa: “lihokelo.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse 100.”
^ Kapa: “lihokelo.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse 50.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse 50.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse 15.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse 15.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse 20.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse 50.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse hlano.”
^ Ka Seheberu: “litsoe tse 100.”
^ E leng litšepe tse khutšoanyane tse kokotelloang fatše hore li tšehetse tente.
^ E leng litšepe tse khutšoanyane tse kokotelloang fatše hore li tšehetse tente.
^ Ka Seheberu: “tente ea pokano.”