Medicina neonatal
Sepse bacteriana
Reducing central line-associated bloodstream infections in North Carolina NICUs. (abre nova janela)
Fonte: Pediatrics 2013;132(6):e1664-71.
Indexado: PubMed 24249819
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-2000 (abre nova janela)
Nonsterile glove use in addition to hand hygiene to prevent late-onset infection in preterm infants: randomized clinical trial. (abre nova janela)
Fonte: JAMA Pediatr 2014;168(10):909-16.
Indexado: PubMed 25111196
DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.953 (abre nova janela)
The World Health Organization Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care and their consensus recommendations. (abre nova janela)
Fonte: Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2009;30(7):611-22.
Indexado: PubMed 19508124
DOI: 10.1086/600379 (abre nova janela)
Strategies for prevention of health care-associated infections in the NICU. (abre nova janela)
Fonte: Pediatrics 2012;129(4):e1085-93.
Indexado: PubMed 22451712
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-0145 (abre nova janela)
Risk factors and outcomes for multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteremia in the NICU. (abre nova janela)
Fonte: Pediatrics 2014;133(2):e322-9.
Indexado: PubMed 24420803
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-1248 (abre nova janela)
Bacteremia, central catheters, and neonates: when to pull the line. (abre nova janela)
Fonte: Pediatrics 2001;107(6):1272-6.
Indexado: PubMed 11389242 (abre nova janela)
Recommendations for neonatal surfactant therapy. (abre nova janela)
Fonte: Paediatr Child Health 2005;10(2):109-16.
Indexado: PubMed 19668609 (abre nova janela)
Management of neonates with suspected or proven early-onset bacterial sepsis. (abre nova janela)
Fonte: Pediatrics 2012;129(5):1006-15.
Indexado: PubMed 22547779
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-0541 (abre nova janela)
One dose per day compared to multiple doses per day of gentamicin for treatment of suspected or proven sepsis in neonates. (abre nova janela)
Fonte: Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016;(12):CD005091.
Indexado: PubMed 27921299
DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005091.pub4 (abre nova janela)