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Yungi Breedah—Immataydet da Markus un da Timothy
‘Grikk da Markus un bring een mitt dich, veil eah mich helfa kann in di ministry.’—2 TIM. 4:11.
Vi da Markus un da Timothy iahra examples yungi breedah helfa kann may du fa Jehova un di breedah un shveshtra.
1-2. Vass hett da Markus un da Timothy halda kenda funn may du fa anri?
YOUNG brothers, do you want to do more in Jehovah’s service and be more helpful to those in your congregation? No doubt you do. How heartwarming it is to see so many young men who are willing to serve others! (Ps. 110:3) You may, however, face challenges. Do you hesitate to expand your ministry because of fear of the unknown? Have you ever held back from accepting an assignment because you lacked confidence? If so, you are not the first to feel this way.
2 Mark and Timothy faced similar challenges. But they did not allow fear of the unknown or their lack of experience to stop them from serving others. Possibly, Mark was living with his mother in a comfortable home when he was invited to travel with the apostle Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary tour. (Acts 12:12, 13, 25) Mark left that familiar environment to expand his ministry. First, he moved to Antioch. Then, he accompanied Paul and Barnabas to other faraway places. (Acts 13:1-5) Similarly, Timothy was likely living with his parents when he was invited by Paul to join him in the preaching work. Being young and inexperienced, Timothy could have allowed a lack of confidence to hold him back. (Compare 1 Corinthians 16:10, 11 and 1 Timothy 4:12.) However, he accepted Paul’s invitation and enjoyed many blessings as a result.—Acts 16:3-5.
3. (a) Vi vissa miah es da Paulus en latt gedenkt hott funn da Markus un da Timothy? (2 Timotheus 4:6, 9, 11) (Gukket aw di piktahs.) (b) Vass fa questions zayla miah shvetza diveyya?
3 Mark and Timothy gained valuable experience and learned to shoulder weighty responsibilities in their youth. Paul appreciated these young men so much that later he wanted them at his side when he realized that his life would soon come to an end. (Read 2 Timothy 4:6, 9, 11.) What qualities endeared Mark and Timothy to Paul? How can young brothers imitate their attitude? And how can young men benefit from Paul’s fatherly advice?
Mark and Timothy endeared themselves to Paul by shouldering responsibility while they were young (See paragraph 3) b
4-5. Vi hott da Markus gvissa es eah willing voah fa anri helfa?
4 According to one reference, serving, or ministering to, others implies reaching out to help them “with diligence and persistence.” Mark set a good example in this regard. When Paul refused to take him along on a second missionary trip, Mark was likely hurt and disappointed. (Acts 15:37, 38) But that did not discourage Mark from serving his brothers and sisters.
5 Mark accepted an assignment of service with his cousin Barnabas. Some 11 years later, Mark was among those who supported Paul during his first imprisonment in Rome. (Philem. 23, 24) In fact, Paul appreciated his support so much that he described Mark as “a source of great comfort.”—Col. 4:10, 11.
6. Vi hott’s da Markus kolfa bei zeit shpenda mitt breedah es shund lang Jehova gedeend henn? (Gukket da footnote.)
6 Mark benefited from his close association with mature Christians. After spending some time with Paul in Rome, Mark joined the apostle Peter in Babylon. They developed such a close relationship that Peter called him “Mark, my son.” (1 Pet. 5:13) As they worked together, Peter likely related to his young friend many interesting details about Jesus’ life and ministry that Mark later recorded in his Gospel account. a
7. Vi hott da Seung-Woo da Markus immatayt? (Gukket aw’s piktah.)
7 Mark kept active in his service and stayed close to mature brothers. How can you imitate Mark? If you have ever missed out on a privilege of service, be patient with yourself and keep looking for other ways to serve Jehovah and the congregation. Take as an example Seung-Woo, who now serves as an elder. When he was younger, he would compare himself with other young brothers. Some of them received privileges before he did. Seung-Woo felt overlooked and eventually opened up about this to mature brothers. One elder suggested that he do what he could to serve others even if his good deeds sometimes went unnoticed. That advice moved Seung-Woo to make himself available to assist the elderly and those who needed transportation to the meetings. Looking back, he says: “I came to understand what it means to serve others more fully. I discovered the joy that comes from giving practical help to others.”
How do young men benefit from regularly associating with mature brothers? (See paragraph 7)
8. Favass hott da Paulus da Timothy getshoost fa mitt een gay? (Philipper 2:19-22)
8 Paul needed courageous traveling companions at his side when he returned to cities where he had faced opposition. He first selected an experienced Christian named Silas to accompany him. (Acts 15:22, 40) Paul later also chose Timothy as his associate. What stood out about Timothy? For one thing, he had a good reputation. (Acts 16:1, 2) He also genuinely cared about people.—Read Philippians 2:19-22.
9. Vi hott da Timothy gvissa es eah reeli ebbes drumm gebt veyyich di breedah un shveshtra?
9 From the beginning of his ministry with Paul, Timothy showed that he cared more about others than about himself. For that reason, Paul could confidently leave him in Beroea to encourage the new disciples there. (Acts 17:13, 14) On that occasion, Timothy no doubt benefited from the example of Silas, who also remained in Beroea. Later, though, Paul sent Timothy on his own to Thessalonica to strengthen the Christians in that city. (1 Thess. 3:2, ftn.) Over the next 15 years or so, Timothy learned to “weep with those who [wept],” showing empathy for any who were suffering. (Rom. 12:15; 2 Tim. 1:4) How can young Christian men imitate Timothy?
10. Vi hott da Woo Jae gland fa may funn en interest nemma in anri?
10 A brother named Woo Jae learned to show more personal interest in others. When he was a young adult, Woo Jae found it difficult to engage older brothers and sisters in conversation. So he simply greeted them at the Kingdom Hall and walked away. An elder suggested that Woo Jae start conversations by telling his fellow believers what he appreciated about them. The elder also urged him to think about what the other person might be interested in. Woo Jae applied this advice in his interactions with others. An elder today, Woo Jae says: “I now find it easier to have meaningful conversations with people of different ages. I feel good knowing that I have a better understanding of other people’s concerns. This has been very useful to me in helping my fellow believers.”
11. Vi kenna yungi breedah may funn en interest nemma in anri in di congregation? (Gukket aw’s piktah.)
11 You young brothers can likewise learn to show personal interest in others. When at meetings, take an interest in individuals of different ages and backgrounds. Ask them how they are doing, and then listen. In time, you may realize how you can help them. Perhaps you will learn that an older couple need help using the JW Library® app. Or you may learn that they do not have plans to work with anyone in the ministry. Could you help such ones with their electronic devices or arrange to work with them in the preaching work? By taking the initiative to help others, you will set a fine example for all.
Young brothers can help the congregation in many practical ways (See paragraph 11)
12. Vi kann da Paulus sei advice zu da Timothy yungi breedah helfa?
12 Paul gave Timothy practical advice to help him succeed in his life and ministry. (1 Tim. 1:18; 2 Tim. 4:5) You young brothers can also benefit from Paul’s fatherly advice. How? Read Paul’s two letters to Timothy as if they were written to you, and see what counsel you can apply in your life. Consider a few examples.
13. Vass kann dich helfa yusht noch naychah kumma zu Jehova?
13 “Train yourself with godly devotion as your aim.” (1 Tim. 4:7b) What is godly devotion? It is a personal attachment to Jehovah along with a desire to do what pleases him. Since we are not born with this quality, we need to cultivate it. How? The Greek word rendered “train yourself” was often used to describe the rigorous training of athletes who prepared for a contest. These athletes needed self-discipline. We too need self-discipline in order to develop habits that will draw us closer to Jehovah.
14. Vass sett unsah goal sei vann ma di Bivvel laysa? Gevvet en example.
14 As you develop the habit of reading the Bible, keep in mind your goal of drawing closer to Jehovah. For example, what can you learn from Jesus’ encounter with a rich young ruler? (Mark 10:17-22) The young man believed that Jesus was the Messiah but lacked faith to follow him. Even so, Jesus “felt love for him.” Are you not touched by the way Jesus spoke to this young man? Obviously, Jesus wanted him to make a wise decision. Jesus was also reflecting Jehovah’s love for the young man. (John 14:9) As you think about this account and your circumstances, ask yourself, ‘What do I need to do to draw closer to Jehovah and to serve others more fully?’
15. Favass sett en yungah broodah en goodah example setza fa anri? Gevvet en example. (1 Timotheus 4:12, 13)
15 “Become an example to the faithful ones.” (Read 1 Timothy 4:12, 13.) Paul urged Timothy to develop not only skills—such as reading and teaching—but also qualities—such as love, faith, and chasteness. Why? A good example speaks louder than words. Suppose you are assigned to present a talk about how to increase our zeal in the ministry. You will feel more confident talking about this subject if you are giving your best in the ministry. Your example will add weight to your words.—1 Tim. 3:13.
16. (a) Vass sinn fimf vayya es yungi en goodah example sei kenna? (b) Vi kann en yungah broodah en goodah example sei ‘in vass eah sawkt’?
16 As indicated at 1 Timothy 4:12, Paul mentions five areas in which a young brother can serve as an example. As a personal study project, why not reflect on each of those areas? For instance, suppose you want to be a better example “in speaking.” Think about the ways you could use your speech to build up others. If you are still living at home with your parents, could you express appreciation more often for what they are doing for you? After the meetings, could you tell someone who had a share in the program what you appreciated about his presentation? You might also try to give comments in your own words at the meetings. Your efforts to become an example in speaking will show that you are making spiritual advancement.—1 Tim. 4:15.
17. Vass zayld en yungah broodah helfa sei goals langa? (2 Timotheus 2:22)
17 “Flee from youthful desires, but pursue righteousness.” (Read 2 Timothy 2:22.) Paul urged Timothy to fight desires that could distract him from his spiritual goals and damage his relationship with Jehovah. You may also realize that certain activities, though not wrong in themselves, may leave you little time for spiritual pursuits. For example, think of how much time you spend participating in sports, browsing the Internet, or playing video games. Could you use some of that time for theocratic activities? Perhaps you can offer to help maintain the local Kingdom Hall or to support the local cart witnessing program. If you participate in such activities, you will likely make new friends who will help you to set and reach spiritual goals.
18. Vi vissa miah es da Markus un da Timothy en haebbi layva katt henn?
18 Mark and Timothy made sacrifices to serve others more completely, and they led full and satisfying lives. (Acts 20:35) To serve his fellow believers, Mark traveled to different parts of the world. He also wrote a dynamic account of Jesus’ life and ministry. Timothy helped Paul to establish congregations and to build up the brothers and sisters. Obviously, Jehovah was pleased with the self-sacrificing spirit shown by Mark and Timothy.
19. Favass sedda yungi breedah abheicha zu da advice es da Paulus da Timothy gevva hott, un vass zayld haebna vann si doon?
19 The affection Paul had for Timothy can be clearly seen in the letters he wrote to his young friend. These inspired letters also reveal that Jehovah loves you young men very much. He wants you to succeed. So take to heart Paul’s fatherly advice, and develop your desire to serve others more fully. If you do, you will enjoy an enriching life now and you will “get a firm hold on the real life” to come.—1 Tim. 6:18, 19.
SONG 84 Ich Vill Du Vass Ich Kann
b PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Mark attends to the needs of Paul and Barnabas on their missionary journey. Timothy willingly visits a congregation to strengthen and encourage the brothers.