1 SUBA ISHEI Jehovah’s Attributes
Nungsiheiraba “Malem Apumbagi Wayen Mapu” da Thajaba Thammu
“Malem apumbagi Wayen Mapuna achumba toubiroidra?”—MEIHOU. 18:25.
To deepen our understanding of Jehovah’s mercy and justice regarding the resurrection of unrighteous people.
1. Jehovahna Abrahamda karamba pukning themjinningai oiba wapham ama khanghankhibage?
IT WAS a conversation that Abraham never forgot. Through an angel, God told Abraham that He was going to wipe out the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. That faithful man was troubled. He asked: “Will you really sweep away the righteous with the wicked? . . . Will the Judge of all the earth not do what is right?” Jehovah patiently taught his beloved human friend a lesson that benefits and comforts us all: God will never destroy righteous people.—Gen. 18:23-33.
2. Jehovahgi wayeldi dharmachenba amasung nungsiheibani haibasi eikhoida karina thajaba pibage?
2 How can we be sure that Jehovah’s acts of judgment are righteous and merciful? Because we know that “Jehovah sees into the heart” of people. (1 Sam. 16:7) In fact, he knows “every human heart.” (1 Ki. 8:39; 1 Chron. 28:9) That is an amazing truth. Jehovah’s judgments are infinitely beyond our understanding. Fittingly, the apostle Paul was inspired to say of Jehovah God: “How unsearchable his judgments are!”—Rom. 11:33.
3-4. Tanja kharadadi eikhoida kari khallakpa yabage amasung ngasigi hiram asida eikhoina kari khannagani? (Johan 5:28, 29)
3 Still, we may sometimes have questions similar to the ones that Abraham raised. We may even wonder: ‘Is there any future hope for such people as those judged in Sodom and Gomorrah? Might any of them be included in the “resurrection of . . . the unrighteous”?’—Acts 24:15.
4 Let us review what we understand about the resurrection. Recently, we received a clarified understanding of the “resurrection of life” and the “resurrection of judgment.” a (Read John 5:28, 29.) This clarification has led to further adjustments, which will be discussed in this article and in the one that follows. Regarding Jehovah’s righteous judgments, we will first consider what we do not know and then what we do know.
5. Mamangda eikhoigi chephongsingda, Sodom amasung Gomorrah manghanbada yaokhiba meeoisinggi matangda karamba waphamsing phongdokkhibage?
5 In the past, our publications have considered the question of what happens to those whom Jehovah judges as unrighteous. We have said that for such individuals as those in Sodom and Gomorrah, there is no hope of a future resurrection. But further prayerful study has raised the question, Can we really say that with certainty?
6. Jehovahna dharmachendaba meesing manghankhibagi khudam khara haibiyu amasung eikhoina karamba wapham khangdabage?
6 Consider a number of related questions. Several Bible accounts describe Jehovah’s judgments against unrighteous people, such as the unknown numbers who died in the Flood or the seven nations in the Promised Land that Jehovah ordered his people to devote to destruction or the 185,000 Assyrian soldiers slain by an angel of Jehovah in a single night. (Gen. 7:23; Deut. 7:1-3; Isa. 37:36, 37) In these cases, does the Bible give us enough information to determine that Jehovah sentenced all those individuals to eternal destruction, with no hope of a resurrection? No, it does not. Why can we say that?
7. Ising ichaoda manghankhiba amasung Canaanda leiramba phattaba meeoisinggi matangda eikhoina kari khangdabage? (Makhumda yaoriba lai adusu yengbiyu.)
7 We do not know how Jehovah judged each individual; nor do we know whether those who were killed had an opportunity to learn about Jehovah and to repent. In regard to the time of the Flood, the Bible does say that Noah was “a preacher of righteousness.” (2 Pet. 2:5) But it does not say that while he was building a colossal ark, he was also attempting to reach every individual on earth who would face destruction in the Deluge. Similarly, in the case of the nations of Canaan, we do not know if all those wicked people had an opportunity to learn about Jehovah and change their ways.
Noah and his family are working on the colossal ark. It is not known if Noah led an organized preaching campaign during that time of construction to reach all the peoples of the earth before the Flood came (See paragraph 7)
8. Sodom amasung Gomorrahgi meesinggi matangda eikhoina kari khangdabage?
8 What of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah? A righteous man named Lot lived in their midst. But do we know that Lot preached to all of them? No. They were certainly wicked, but did they all know any better? Recall that a crowd of men in that city sought to rape Lot’s guests. The Bible says that the mob ranged “from boy to old man.” (Gen. 19:4; 2 Pet. 2:7) Do we really know that the merciful God, Jehovah, condemned each one to death with no hope of a resurrection? Jehovah assured Abraham that there were not even ten righteous men in that city. (Gen. 18:32) So they were unrighteous, and Jehovah justly held them accountable for their actions. Can we say for certain, then, that none of them will rise in the “resurrection of . . . the unrighteous”? No, we cannot say for sure!
9. Solomongi matangda eikhoina kari khangdabage?
9 On the other hand, we also read in the Bible of righteous people who became unrighteous. King Solomon is an example. He was thoroughly instructed in God’s ways and greatly blessed by Jehovah; yet, he later turned to worshipping false gods. His sins made Jehovah furious and brought consequences that lasted for centuries. True, the Scriptures do say that Solomon “was laid to rest with his forefathers,” including such faithful men as King David. (1 Ki. 11:5-9, 43; 2 Ki. 23:13) But was the manner of his burial a guarantee that he would be resurrected? The Bible does not say. Some might reason, though, that “the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.” (Rom. 6:7) True, but this does not mean that all who have died will be resurrected, as if a new life were a right that they have earned. Resurrection is a gift from a loving God. He bestows it on those whom he wants to give an opportunity to serve him forever. (Job 14:13, 14; John 6:44) Will Solomon receive such a gift? Jehovah knows the answer; we do not. We do know, though, that Jehovah will do what is right.
10. Meeoibasingbu manghanba matamda Jehovahna karamna phaobage? (Ezekiyel 33:11) (Lai asisu yengbiyu.)
10 Read Ezekiel 33:11. When it comes to the way he judges humans, Jehovah kindly reveals to us how he feels. The apostle Peter was inspired to echo what the prophet Ezekiel wrote, saying that “Jehovah . . . does not desire anyone to be destroyed.” (2 Pet. 3:9) In the light of that reassuring truth, we know that Jehovah is not quick to destroy people once and for all. He is profoundly merciful, and he shows mercy whenever possible.
In the resurrection of the unrighteous, a wide variety of people will receive an opportunity to learn about Jehovah (See paragraph 10)
11. Amuk hanna hinggatlakpada yaoroidabasing kanano amasung madu eikhoina karamna khangbage?
11 What do we know about the people who will not be resurrected? The Bible offers only a few examples. b Jesus indicated that Judas Iscariot will not be resurrected. (Mark 14:21; see also John 17:12 and study note.) Judas knowingly and willfully worked in opposition to Jehovah God and His Son. (See Mark 3:29 and study notes.) Similarly, Jesus said that some of the religious leaders who had opposed him would die without a hope of resurrection. (Matt. 23:33; see John 19:11 and study note “the man.”) And the apostle Paul warned that unrepentant apostates would not be resurrected.—Heb. 6:4-8; 10:29.
12. Jehovahgi minungsigi matangda eikhoina kari khangbage? Khudam khara pibiyu.
12 However, what do we know about Jehovah’s mercy? How has he demonstrated that he “does not desire anyone to be destroyed”? Consider his mercy toward some who committed serious sins. King David got involved in a series of gross sins, including adultery and murder. Yet, David repented, so Jehovah mercifully forgave him. (2 Sam. 12:1-13) King Manasseh was profoundly wicked for much of his life. Even in that extreme case, however, Jehovah responded favorably to that man’s repentance and found a basis for extending mercy and forgiveness. (2 Chron. 33:9-16) These examples remind us that Jehovah shows mercy whenever he sees that there is a basis for doing so. He will resurrect such individuals because they realized that they had committed terrible sins and they repented.
13. (a) Jehovahna Ninevehgi meeoisingda minungsi utlamliba karigino? (b) Jishuna Ninevehgi meesinggi matangda kari haikhibage?
13 We also know about Jehovah’s mercy toward the Ninevites. God told Jonah: “Their wickedness has come to my attention.” But when they repented of their sins, Jehovah kindly forgave them. He was far more merciful than Jonah was. God had to remind his angry prophet that those Ninevites did “not even know right from wrong.” (Jonah 1:1, 2; 3:10; 4:9-11) Later, Jesus used that example to teach about Jehovah’s justice and mercy. Jesus said that the repentant Ninevites would “rise up in the judgment.”—Matt. 12:41.
14. “Wayennabagi hinggatpada” Ninevehgi meesingda kari oiba yabage?
14 In what “judgment” would the Ninevites “rise up”? Jesus taught about a future “resurrection of judgment.” (John 5:29) He was referring to his Thousand Year Reign, during which both “the righteous and the unrighteous” will be resurrected. (Acts 24:15) For the unrighteous, this will be “a resurrection of judgment.” That is, Jehovah and Jesus will observe and evaluate their behavior and how they respond to divine teaching. If a resurrected Ninevite refuses to join in pure worship, his judgment will be one of condemnation. (Isa. 65:20) But for all those who choose to worship Jehovah faithfully, their judgment will be favorable. They will have the prospect of living forever!—Dan. 12:2.
15. a) Sodom amasung Gomorrah manghanbada yaokhiba meeoi amatta amuk hanna hinggatlaklaroi haina eikhoina karigi hairoidouribano? (b) Jihuda 7 da iramliba wapham asigi artha karino? (“Jihudana Iramliba Wapham Asigi Artha Karino?” hairiba kakhal asisu yengbiyu.)
15 When speaking of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jesus said that they would fare better “on Judgment Day” than would the people who rejected him and his teachings. (Matt. 10:14, 15; 11:23, 24; Luke 10:12) What did he mean? We might assume that Jesus was using hyperbole on this occasion. But that does not seem to be the case, any more than when he was speaking of the Ninevites. c Rather, it seems that Jesus meant what he said. The “Judgment Day” he referred to in both instances was surely the same. Like the Ninevites, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah did bad things. But the Ninevites had an opportunity to repent. Further, remember what Jesus said about the “resurrection of judgment.” It will include “those who practiced vile things.” (John 5:29) So it seems that there may be some hope for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is possible that at least some of those people will be resurrected, and we may have the opportunity to teach them about Jehovah and Jesus Christ.
16. Jehovahna sikhrabasingbu amuk hanna hinggathanbagi matangda eikhoina kari khangbage? (Jiremiya 17:10)
16 Read Jeremiah 17:10. That verse helps us to summarize what we do know: Jehovah has always been the one “searching the heart, examining the innermost thoughts.” When it comes to the future resurrection, he will, as always, “give to each one according to his ways.” Jehovah will be firm when necessary but merciful whenever possible. So we should not assume that a person has no hope of a resurrection unless we know that to be the case!
17. Sikhraba meeoisinggidamak tunggi kari asha leibage?
17 Ever since Adam and Eve joined Satan and rebelled against Jehovah God, billions of humans have died. The “enemy, death,” has reaped an enormous harvest! (1 Cor. 15:26) What lies ahead for all those people? A limited number, 144,000 in all, of Christ’s faithful followers will receive a resurrection to immortal life in heaven. (Rev. 14:1) A vast number of faithful men and women who loved Jehovah will be part of the “resurrection of . . . the righteous,” and they will live forever on earth if they remain righteous during Christ’s Millennial Reign and during the final test. (Dan. 12:13; Heb. 12:1) Also during the Millennium, “the unrighteous”—including those who never served Jehovah or who even “practiced vile things”—will be given an opportunity to change their ways and become faithful. (Luke 23:42, 43) However, some humans were so wicked, so determined to rebel against Jehovah and his purposes, that he has decided that there will be no resurrection for them at all.—Luke 12:4, 5.
18-19. (a) Jehovahna achumba wayel tougani haibasi eikhoina karigi chetna thajaba yaribano? (Jishaiya 55:8, 9) (b) Mathanggi hiramda eikhoina kari khannagani?
18 Do we have good reason for confidence regarding all of Jehovah’s judgments, both favorable and unfavorable? Yes! As Abraham understood so well, Jehovah is the perfect, all-wise, merciful “Judge of all the earth.” He has trained his Son and delegated all judging to him. (John 5:22) Both Father and Son can read what lies in each human heart. (Matt. 9:4) In every case, they will do “what is right”!
19 Let us be determined to trust that Jehovah knows best. We recognize that we are not qualified to judge—but he is! (Read Isaiah 55:8, 9.) So we confidently leave all the judging to him and his Son, the King who perfectly reflects his Father’s justice and mercy. (Isa. 11:3, 4) What, though, can we say about divine judgments relating to the great tribulation? What do we not know? And what do we know? Our next article will take up those questions.
57 SUBA ISHEI Preaching to All Sorts of People
b Regarding Adam, Eve, and Cain, see The Watchtower, January 1, 2013, p. 12, ftn.
c Hyperbole is the intentional and obvious use of overstatement, or exaggeration, in order to make a point. But Jesus’ comment about the people of Sodom and Gomorrah could well be literal, so it is not hyperbole.