Karigi Baptise Toujagadouribano?
“Baptise lou.”—PAKHO 2:38.
34 SUBA ISHEI Walking in Integrity
1-2. Baptise toubagi thouram pangthokpa matamda kari kari uba phangbage, aduga ngasigi hiram asida eikhoina kari khannagani?
HAVE you ever watched a group of baptism candidates? You hear the conviction in their voices as they answer the two questions before they get baptized. You see family members and friends beaming. When the candidates come up out of the water, you hear the applause and see the joy that radiates on their faces. On average, thousands each week take that step, becoming dedicated, baptized Witnesses of Jehovah God.
2 What about you? If you are thinking about getting baptized, you are a bright spot in this wicked world as someone who is “seeking Jehovah.” (Ps. 14:1, 2) This article is addressed to you whether you are young or old. But those of us who are already baptized also want to strengthen our determination to serve Jehovah forever. So let us consider together three of the many reasons for serving Jehovah.
Satan has slandered Jehovah’s good name for thousands of years and continues to do so (See paragraphs 3-4)
3. Jehovahgi manaisingna achumba amasung dharmachenbabu nungsiriba karigino? (Thagat Ishei 119:128, 163)
3 Jehovah commanded his people to “love truth.” (Zech. 8:19) Jesus urged his followers to pursue righteousness. (Matt. 5:6) This means that one needs to have a strong desire to do what is right, good, and clean in God’s eyes. Do you love truth and righteousness? We are sure that you do. You hate lies and all that is wrong and wicked. (Read Psalm 119:128, 163.) Lies reflect the personality of Satan, the ruler of this world. (John 8:44; 12:31) One of Satan’s goals is to slander the holy name of Jehovah God. Satan has been spreading lies about our God since the rebellion in Eden. He portrayed Jehovah as a selfish and dishonest Ruler who withholds good from humans. (Gen. 3:1, 4, 5) Satan’s lies about Jehovah have continued to poison the minds and hearts of people. When humans choose not to “love truth,” Satan can lead them into all kinds of unrighteous and wicked conduct.—Rom. 1:25-31.
4. Jehovahna mahakti “achumbagi Ishwor” ni haibasi karamna utpage? (Mathakki laisi yengbiyu.)
4 Jehovah is “the God of truth,” and he generously teaches the truth to those who love him. (Ps. 31:5) By doing so, he lifts them up, freeing them from Satan’s lies. Jehovah also teaches his servants to be honest and righteous. They thus find a measure of dignity and inner peace. (Prov. 13:5, 6) Has he done that for you as you have studied the Bible? You have learned that Jehovah’s ways are best for all humankind and for you personally. (Ps. 77:13) So you want to take your stand for God’s righteousness. (Matt. 6:33) You want to defend truth and help to disprove the slander about our God, Jehovah. How can you do that?
5. Eikhoina achumba amasung dharmachenbagi damak leppi haibasi karamna utpa yagani?
5 You can choose a life course that says, in effect: “I reject Satan’s lies, and I uphold the truth. I want Jehovah as my Sovereign, and I want to do what he says is right.” How do you take such a stand? Approach Jehovah in prayer and dedicate yourself to him and then make that dedication public by getting baptized. Love for what is true and right is a powerful motive for choosing to get baptized.
6. Thagat Ishei 45:4 gi matunginna, eikhoina Jishu Christabu nungsigadouribagi maram karino?
6 Why do you love Jesus Christ? Note some compelling reasons found at Psalm 45:4. (Read.) Jesus stands for truth, humility, and righteousness. If you love truth and righteousness, it is understandable that you also love Jesus Christ. Think of how Jesus courageously defended what is true and right. (John 18:37) How, though, does Jesus promote humility?
7. Jishugi nollukpagi matangda nahakna khwaidagi pamjabasi karino?
7 Jesus promotes humility by his example. For instance, he directs all glory to his Father, never to himself. (Mark 10:17, 18; John 5:19) How do you feel about seeing such humility? Does it not move you to love God’s Son and to follow him? Surely it does. Why is Jesus humble? Because he loves and imitates his Father, who is humble. (Ps. 18:35; Heb. 1:3) Are you not drawn to Jesus, who perfectly reflects Jehovah’s qualities?
8. Eikhoigi Ningthou Jishubu eikhoina nungsiriba karigino?
8 We love Jesus as our King because he is the ideal Ruler. Jehovah himself trained his Son and appointed him to rule. (Isa. 50:4, 5) Think, too, of the self-sacrificing love Jesus has shown. (John 13:1) As your King, Jesus fully deserves your love. He explained that those who truly love him—those whom he calls his friends—show their love by obeying his commands. (John 14:15; 15:14, 15) What an honor it is to be a friend of Jehovah’s Son!
9. Christiansingna baptise touba amasung Christana baptise toukhiba anisida karamba mannaba wapham ama leibage?
9 One of Jesus’ commands is that his followers get baptized. (Matt. 28:19, 20) He set the example. In some ways, his baptism is different from that of his followers. (See the box “ The Baptism of Jesus and the Baptism of His Followers—How They Differ.”) But in other ways, it is similar. In getting baptized, Jesus presented himself to do his Father’s will. (Heb. 10:7) Similarly, Christ’s followers get baptized as a public symbol that they have dedicated themselves to Jehovah God. Their life is now focused on doing his will, not their own. So they are following their Master’s example.
10. Jishubu nungsibana baptise touningnabagi damak nahakpu karamna pukning thougatpage?
10 You accept Jesus as Jehovah’s only-begotten Son and as the King whom God has appointed to rule over us. You see Jesus as a perfect, humble reflection of his Father. You have learned that he fed the hungry, comforted the discouraged, and even healed the sick. (Matt. 14:14-21) You have seen how he leads his congregation today. (Matt. 23:10) And you know that he will do far more in the future as King of God’s Kingdom. How can you show that you love him? By following his example. (John 14:21) You can begin to do just that by dedicating yourself to Jehovah and getting baptized.
11. Baptise toubagi khwaidagi maru oiba maramsi karino?
11 What is the most important reason for getting baptized? Jesus revealed what is the greatest of God’s commandments, saying: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.” (Mark 12:30) Do those words describe your love for God?
Jehovah is the Source of every good thing you have ever enjoyed and will ever enjoy (See paragraphs 12-13)
12. Nahakna Jehovahbu nungsiriba karigino? (Mathakki lai asisu yengbiyu.)
12 There are so many reasons to love Jehovah. For example, you have come to understand that he is “the source of life” and that he is the Giver of “every good gift and every perfect present.” (Ps. 36:9; Jas. 1:17) Every good thing that you enjoy comes from our generous, loving God.
13. Thadokmal asi yamna mamal yamba khudol ama oiriba karigino?
13 The ransom is a wonderful gift that Jehovah has given to us. Why can we say that? Consider the bond that exists between Jehovah and his Son. Jesus said: “The Father loves me” and “I love the Father.” (John 10:17; 14:31) The bond between them grew stronger over the course of billions of years. (Prov. 8:22, 23, 30) Now think how it must have pained God to allow his Son to suffer and die. Jehovah loves mankind—including you—so much that he was willing to give his beloved Son as a sacrifice to enable you and others to live forever. (John 3:16; Gal. 2:20) There can be no greater reason to love God.
14. Nahakna punsida thamba yaba khwaidagi phaba pandam adu karino?
14 Your love for Jehovah has grown as you have learned more about him. Surely you want to draw closer to him now and forever. And you can. He kindly encourages you to make his heart rejoice. (Prov. 23:15, 16) You can do that not only by words but also by actions. The way you live your life will show that you truly love Jehovah. (1 John 5:3) That is the best goal in life you could ever choose.
15. Nahakna Jehovahbu nungsi haibasi karamna utpa yagani?
15 How can you demonstrate your love for Jehovah? First, you offer a special prayer in which you dedicate yourself to the only true God. (Ps. 40:8) Then, you make that private dedication public by getting baptized. As we discussed earlier in this article, that becomes a happy milestone, a great turning point. You start out on a new life, not for yourself, but for Jehovah. (Rom. 14:8; 1 Pet. 4:1, 2) That may sound like a big step to take, and it is. But it opens the way for the very best life. How so?
16. Thagat Ishei 41:12 ta khanghanbagi matunginna, Jehovahna mahakpu thawai yaona seba toujaribasingda kari thoujal pibigani?
16 Jehovah is the most generous Person. No matter what you give him, he will always give you back far more. (Mark 10:29, 30) He will give you the most interesting, rewarding, and fulfilling life possible, even now in this dying old world. And that is just the beginning. The journey that begins with your baptism does not have to end. You can go on serving your beloved Father forever. The love between you and your Father will continue to grow, and you will actually live as long as he lives, for all eternity.—Read Psalm 41:12.
17. Jehovahgi maphamda leitaba eikhoina piba yaba kari leibage?
17 When you take the steps of dedication and baptism, you have the privilege of giving something truly precious to your Father. He has given you every good thing, every happy moment, that you have ever enjoyed. In response, you can give the Owner of heaven and earth something that he does not already have—your willing, devoted service. (Job 1:8; 41:11; Prov. 27:11) What better use could you ever make of your life? Without a doubt, your love for Jehovah is the best reason to get baptized.
18. Eikhoina karamba wahangsing hangjaba yabage?
18 How, then, do you respond to the question, Will you get baptized? Only you can answer. But it might help if you ask yourself, ‘Why wait?’ (Acts 8:36) Remember the three reasons that we have considered. First, you love truth and righteousness. Ask yourself, ‘Do I want to see the day when everyone will speak the truth and do what is right?’ Second, you love Jesus Christ. Ask yourself, ‘Do I want God’s Son as my King, and do I want to follow his example?’ Third, above all, you love Jehovah. Ask yourself, ‘Do I want to make Jehovah’s heart rejoice by serving him as my God?’ If your answers to those questions are yes, then why not get baptized? Why wait?—Acts 16:33.
19. Baptise toubagi matangda khanjaanaroidouriba karigino? Khudam ama pibiyu. (Johan 4:34)
19 If you are hesitant about getting baptized, consider an illustration that Jesus used. (Read John 4:34.) Note that Jesus compared doing his Father’s will to food. Why? Food is good for us. Jesus knew that everything that Jehovah asks us to do is good for us. Jehovah does not want us to do anything that would result in our harm. Does Jehovah’s will for you include getting baptized? Yes. (Acts 2:38) Then you can be confident that obeying the command to get baptized will benefit you. If you would not hesitate to enjoy the best meal ever, why hesitate to get baptized?
20. Mathanggi hiramda eikhoina kari khannagani?
20 Why wait? Many might answer this way, “I am not ready yet.” The fact is that the decision to dedicate yourself to Jehovah and to get baptized is the most important decision you will ever make. So it does take time, careful thought, and diligent effort to get ready. But if you have a sincere desire to take that step, what can you do now to prepare yourself? We will consider the answer to that question in the following article.
28 SUBA ISHEI Gaining Jehovah’s Friendship
a Baptism is a vital step for every Bible student. What can move a student to take that step? In a word, love. But love for what and for whom? In this article, we will find the answers and discuss what kind of life we can expect as baptized Christians.