Iet uz pamatdaļu

Traumas un neatliekamā medicīniskā palīdzība

Multimodāla, starpdisciplīnāra un individualizēta pieeja

Strategies to prevent blood loss and reduce transfusion in emergency general surgery, WSES-AAST consensus paper. (opens new window)

Coccolini F, Shander A, Ceresoli M, Moore E, Tian B, Parini D, Sartelli M, Sakakushev B, Doklestich K, Abu-Zidan F, Horer T, Shelat V, Hardcastle T, Bignami E, Kirkpatrick A, Weber D, Kryvoruchko I, Leppaniemi A, Tan E, Kessel B, Isik A, Cremonini C, Forfori F, Ghiadoni L, Chiarugi M, Ball C, Ottolino P, Hecker A, Mariani D, Melai E, Malbrain M, Agostini V, Podda M, Picetti E, Kluger Y, Rizoli S, Litvin A, Maier R, Beka SG, De Simone B, Bala M, Perez AM, Ordonez C, Bodnaruk Z, Cui Y, Calatayud AP, de Angelis N, Amico F, Pikoulis E, Damaskos D, Coimbra R, Chirica M, Biffl WL, Catena F

Avots‎: World J Emerg Surg 2024;19(1):26.

Raksts indeksēts‎: PubMed 39010099

DOI‎: 10.1186/s13017-024-00554-7 (opens new window)

Care of the injured Jehovah's Witness patient: case report and review of the literature. (opens new window)

Kulvatunyou N, Heard SO.

Avots‎: J Clin Anesth 2004;16(7):548-53.

Raksts indeksēts‎: PubMed 15590263

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.jclinane.2004.02.002 (opens new window)

Trauma surgery. (opens new window)

Maltz SB, Mellett MM, Fantus RJ.

Avots‎: In: Salem MR, ed. Blood Conservation in the Surgical Patient. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1996. p. 417-20.

Raksts indeksēts‎: ISBN 0-683-07531-4 (opens new window)

Clinical strategies in the medical care of Jehovah's Witnesses. (opens new window)

Remmers PA, Speer AJ.

Avots‎: Am J Med 2006;119(12):1013-8.

Raksts indeksēts‎: PubMed 17145240

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2006.04.016 (opens new window)

Reducing blood loss in a burn care unit: a review of its key determinants. (opens new window)

Souto J, Rodrigues AG

Avots‎: J Burn Care Res. 2022; 15:irac114.

Raksts indeksēts‎: PubMed 36106386

DOI‎: 10.1093/jbcr/irac114 (opens new window)

Jehovah's Witnesses: unique problems in a unique trauma population. (opens new window)

Victorino G, Wisner DH.

Avots‎: J Am Coll Surg 1997;184(5):458-68.

Raksts indeksēts‎: PubMed 9145065 (opens new window)