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Oakiyac Finsrak Wo ke Puhlanpacl luhn Memorial

Oakiyac Finsrak Wo ke Puhlanpacl luhn Memorial

Kais sie yac, mwet luhn Jeova uh luhngse na pwacye in tuhkweni ahkfuhlwactye Memorial. Ke lusen wik ekahsr meet liki ac tukun Memorial, kuht orekmakihn pacl na wowo inge in sang kaksak ac kuloh nuh sin Jeova ke mwe sang lal inge ke mwe lango. (Eph. 1:3, 7) Ke sie mwe puhpuhlyuck, kuht orekma upac in suli mwet sahyac in wi ke Memorial. Kuhtuh sin mwet lili elos oraclah ma eklac tuh elos kuh in wi ke auxiliary pioneer, orekmakihn ao 30 kuh 50 ke mahlwem luhn March kuh April. Yac kom luhngse in ahkyohkye pacl kom orekmakihn ke orekma in fahkwack ke puhlanpacl luhn Memorial se inge? Meac kuh in kahsre kom in oruh ohinge?

Inkaiyen pacl uh, kuht kuh in ahkpwacyeye ma pucspucs ke kuht ahkolah na meet. (Soa. 21:5) Ke srihpen puhlanpacl luhn Memorial arlacna apkuhran me, pa inge pacl in muhtwacwacack in ahkolah. Nuhnkuh lah ke inkacnek fuhkah kom luhngse in ahkyohkye orekma in fahkwack lom ke pacl in Memorial, ac sulaclah ma kom enenuh in oruh in sun finsrak lom an. Tohkohyang, siyuck sin Jeova in ahkinsewowoye kwacfeacng lom an.—1Jn. 5:14, 15.

Yac kom kuh in nuhnkuh ke kuhtuh inkacnek ma kom kuh in ahkyohkye orekma in fahkwack lom ke puhlanpacl luhn Memorial?