Ko Phi ki Samla Shynrang—To Long Rangbah ha ka Jinglong Khristan
“To long uba khlaiñ, bad to leh rangbah ïalade.”—1 SYIEM 2:2.
JINGRWAI 135 Jehovah’s Warm Appeal: “Be Wise, My Son”
1. Kaei kaba u shynrang Khristan u dei ban leh ban long uba man bha ha ka jingim jong u?
KING David instructed Solomon: “Be strong and prove yourself a man.” (1 Ki. 2:1-3) All Christian men today do well to apply that advice. To be successful, they must learn to obey God’s laws and apply Bible principles in all aspects of their life. (Luke 2:52) Why is it so important for young brothers to become mature Christian men?
2-3. Balei ka long kaba kongsan ïa u samla shynrang ban long uba rangbah ha ka jinglong Khristan?
2 A Christian man fulfills vital roles in the family and in the congregation. Young brothers, no doubt you have thought about the responsibilities you could have in the future. You might have the goal of being a full-time minister, a ministerial servant, and later a congregation elder. You might also want to get married and have children. (Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 3:1) To reach these goals and be successful, you need Christian maturity. b
3 What can help you to reach Christian maturity? There are important skills that you need to develop. What, then, can you do now to prepare for and make a success of any future roles you may have to fulfill?
Imitating Jesus’ outstanding qualities can help you to become a mature Christian man (See paragraph 4)
4. Naei phi lah ban ïoh ïa ki nuksa kiba bha ban pyrthuhbud? (Peit ruh ïa ka dur.)
4 Choose good examples to imitate. The Bible is filled with good examples for young men to imitate. Those men from the past loved God and handled various responsibilities in caring for his people. You can also find good examples among the mature Christian men in your own family and in your congregation. (Heb. 13:7) And you have the perfect example of Jesus Christ. (1 Pet. 2:21) As you carefully study these examples, consider their outstanding qualities. (Heb. 12:1, 2) Then decide how you will imitate these men.
5. Kumno phi lah ban tei ïa ka bor pyrkhat, bad balei kane ka long kaba kongsan? (Salm 119:9)
5 Develop and “safeguard . . . thinking ability.” (Prov. 3:21) A man with thinking ability considers his options carefully before acting. So work hard to gain and maintain that ability. Why? This world is full of young men who are guided by their own ideas or who allow emotions to control their actions. (Prov. 7:7; 29:11) The media can also exert a strong influence on you. But how can you acquire thinking ability? Begin by learning Bible principles and thinking about why these are beneficial. Then use those principles to help you make decisions that will please Jehovah. (Read Psalm 119:9.) If you develop this important skill, you will have taken a major step toward becoming a mature Christian man. (Prov. 2:11, 12; Heb. 5:14) Consider how thinking ability will benefit you in two situations: (1) in dealing with sisters and (2) in making decisions about your personal appearance.
6. Kumno ka jinglah ban pyrkhat ka lah ban ïarap ïa u samla shynrang ban burom ïa ki kynthei?
6 Thinking ability will help you show respect for women. It is normal and proper for a young brother to be interested in developing a relationship with a Christian sister. However, a young man with thinking ability would not say, write, or do anything that would signal romantic interest unless he is sincerely considering the sister as a potential marriage mate. (1 Tim. 5:1, 2) If he is dating a sister, he would protect her good reputation by never being alone with her unless properly chaperoned.—1 Cor. 6:18.
7. Kumno ka jinglah ban pyrkhat ka lah ban ïarap ïa u samla shynrang ban shim ïa ki rai kiba biang ha kaba ïadei bad ka riam ka beit?
7 Another way a young man shows that he has developed sound thinking ability is by making good choices in dress and grooming. Often, fashion trends are designed and promoted by people who have no regard for Jehovah or who lead immoral lives. Their immoral thinking is reflected in clothing styles that are tight-fitting or tend to make men look like women. When choosing what to wear, a young man who is growing to Christian maturity will be guided by Bible principles and by good examples in the congregation. He can ask himself: ‘Do my choices show that I am sound in mind and considerate of others? Does the way I dress make it easy for others to believe that I am devoted to serving God?’ (1 Cor. 10:31-33; Titus 2:6) A young man with thinking ability will gain the respect of not only his brothers and sisters but also his heavenly Father.
8. Kumno u samla shynrang u lah ban long uba lah ban shaniah?
8 Be reliable. A young man who is reliable diligently cares for all his responsibilities. (Luke 16:10) Consider the perfect example of Jesus. He was never careless or irresponsible. Instead, he fulfilled the assignments that Jehovah gave him, even when it was difficult to do so. He loved people—especially his disciples—and he willingly gave his life for them. (John 13:1) In imitation of Jesus, work hard to fulfill any assignment that you are given. If you are not certain how to do it, be humble and ask for help from mature brothers. Never settle for doing the bare minimum. (Rom. 12:11) Instead, complete your assignment, doing it “for Jehovah, and not for men.” (Col. 3:23) Of course, you are not perfect, so be modest and admit any mistakes you make.—Prov. 11:2.
9. Balei u samla shynrang u dei ban tei ïa ki sap kiba donkam?
9 To become a mature Christian man, you will need to develop practical skills. These will help you to shoulder responsibilities in the congregation, to hold a secular job to support yourself or a family, and to have healthy relationships with others. Consider a few of these essential skills.
Reading and writing well will benefit you and the congregation (See paragraphs 10-11)
10-11. Kumno u samla shynrang u pynmyntoi ïalade bad ïa ka balang da kaba lah ban pule bad thoh bha? (Salm 1:1-3) (Peit ruh ïa ka dur.)
10 Learn to read and write well. The Bible says that a happy and successful man spends time each day reading God’s Word and meditating on it. (Read Psalm 1:1-3.) By reading the Bible daily, he will get to know Jehovah’s way of thinking, which will help him to think clearly and to reason well. (Prov. 1:3, 4) Such men are needed in the congregation. Why?
11 Our brothers and sisters look to capable men for Bible-based instruction and advice. (Titus 1:9) If you can read and write well, you will be able to prepare informative, faith-strengthening talks and comments. You will also be able to take meaningful notes as you study and as you listen to talks at congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions. These notes will help you to build your own faith and to encourage others.
12. Kaei kaban ïarap ïa phi ban nang bha ban ïa kren?
12 Develop good communication skills. A Christian man must learn to communicate well. A man who is a good communicator listens to and acknowledges the thoughts and feelings of others. (Prov. 20:5) He can learn to read another person’s tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. You cannot learn to do this without spending time with people. If you constantly use electronic tools to communicate, such as email and texting, your ability to communicate with people in person could weaken. Therefore, create opportunities to talk with others in person.—2 John 12.
It is good to learn a skill that will help you to find employment (See paragraph 13)
13. Kaei de kaba u samla shynrang u dei ban nang ban leh? (1 Timothi 5:8) (Peit ruh ïa ka dur.)
13 Learn to support yourself. A mature Christian man must be able to support himself and his household. (Read 1 Timothy 5:8.) In some countries, young brothers may learn a secular skill from their father or another relative. In other lands, a young man may learn a trade or some other vocational skill while in high school. Whatever the case, it is good to learn a skill that will help you to find employment. (Acts 18:2, 3; 20:34; Eph. 4:28) Gain the reputation of being someone who works hard and who sticks to a task until it is completed. If you do, you will be more likely to get a job and keep it. The qualities and skills that we have discussed are also important for a Christian man so that he can fulfill future roles. Let us consider some of those roles.
14. Kumno u samla shynrang u lah ban pynkhreh ban long kum u shakri ba pura?
14 Full-time servant. Many mature Christian men began the full-time ministry at a young age. Pioneering helps a young man to learn how to work effectively with a variety of people. It also helps him to make a reasonable budget and live by it. (Phil. 4:11-13) A good stepping stone to full-time service is auxiliary pioneering. Many serve as an auxiliary pioneer for some time, which helps them to be ready to take up regular pioneering. Pioneering may open the door to other forms of full-time service, including serving as a construction servant or a Bethelite.
15-16. Kaei kaba lah ban ïarap ïa u samla shynrang ban shakri kum u nongïarap balang ne u rangbah balang?
15 Ministerial servant or elder. Christian men should have the goal of qualifying to serve their brothers and sisters as congregation elders. The Bible says that men who are reaching out for this role are “desirous of a fine work.” (1 Tim. 3:1) Before serving as an elder, a brother must qualify to serve as a ministerial servant. Ministerial servants assist the elders in many practical ways. Both elders and ministerial servants humbly serve their brothers and sisters and share zealously in the ministry. Young brothers can qualify to serve as ministerial servants even when they are still in their late teens. And a well-qualified ministerial servant in his early 20’s may be appointed as an elder.
16 How can you qualify for these roles? There is no formula. However, the needed qualifications are all based on the Bible and on love for Jehovah, your family, and the congregation. (1 Tim. 3:1-13; Titus 1:6-9; 1 Pet. 5:2, 3) Strive to understand each qualification. Pray for Jehovah’s help to meet these qualifications. c
Jehovah wants a husband to love his wife and children and to care for them physically, emotionally, and above all spiritually (See paragraph 17)
17. Kumno u samla shynrang u lah ban pynkhreh ban long u lok bad u khlieh ka ïing? (Peit ruh ïa ka dur.)
17 Husband and family head. As Jesus indicated, some mature Christian men remain single. (Matt. 19:12) However, if you choose to marry, you will take on the additional roles of husband and family head. (1 Cor. 11:3) Jehovah expects a husband to love his wife and to care for her physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. (Eph. 5:28, 29) The qualities and skills discussed earlier in this article, such as developing thinking ability, having respect for women, and being reliable, will help you as a marriage mate. You will be well-prepared to fulfill your roles as a husband and a family head.
18. Kumno u samla shynrang u lah ban pynkhreh ban long u kpa?
18 Father. After you have married, you may become a father. What can you learn from Jehovah about being a good father? There are many lessons. (Eph. 6:4) Jehovah openly told his Son, Jesus, that he loved him and approved of him. (Matt. 3:17) If you become a father, make sure that you regularly assure your children that you love them. Generously commend them for the good things that they do. Fathers who imitate Jehovah’s example help their children to develop into mature Christian men and women. You can prepare now for this role by lovingly caring for others in your family and in the congregation and by learning to express your love and appreciation for them. (John 15:9) This will help you to fulfill your possible future roles as a husband and a father. In the meantime, you will be a valuable asset to Jehovah, your family, and the congregation.
Many young men who were taught from the Scriptures and applied what they learned have become mature Christians (See paragraphs 19-20)
19-20. Kaei kaban ïarap ïa ki samla shynrang ban san ha ka jinglong Khristan? (Peit ïa ka dur.)
19 Young brothers, you will not automatically become a mature Christian man. You need to choose good examples to imitate, develop thinking ability, be reliable, acquire practical life skills, and prepare for future roles.
20 You may at times feel overwhelmed when you contemplate the work ahead. But you can succeed. Remember that Jehovah is eager to help you. (Isa. 41:10, 13) Of course, your brothers and sisters in the congregation will help you too. When you reach your full potential as a mature Christian man, your life will be rich and satisfying. We love you, young brothers! May Jehovah richly bless you as you work now to become mature Christian men.—Prov. 22:4.
JINGRWAI 65 Move Ahead!
a Mature men are needed in the Christian congregation. In this article, we will consider how you young brothers can become mature Christian men.
b See “Expression Explained” in the preceding article.