FEBRUARY 6, 2024
Bible Books of Matthew and Mark Released in Cuban Sign Language
On January 20, 2024, the Bible books of Matthew and Mark in Cuban Sign Language were released at a special program held at the Guanabacoa Assembly Hall in Havana, Cuba. The release was immediately made available for download on jw.org.
An estimated 53,000 deaf people live throughout Cuba. Beginning in the early 1990’s, a special effort was made to reach Cuba’s deaf population with the good news. The first Bible-based publications were released in Cuban Sign Language in 2011. Today, 756 brothers and sisters serve in 28 sign-language congregations and 10 groups throughout the country.
A sister helps a deaf brother download the release on his cell phone
This is the first time that the Bible books of Matthew and Mark have been translated into Cuban Sign Language. One sister commented: “The way the account of Jesus healing the deaf man at Mark 7:32-37 was translated made me feel like I was experiencing that event for myself! It really touched my heart. Now I can better imagine what life will be like in the new world. Thank you!”
We rejoice with all those who received this spiritual gift, confident that many more who use Cuban Sign Language will grow to love Jehovah with their ‘whole heart, soul, and mind.’—Mark 12:30.