AUGUST 26, 2022
Episode 1 of The Good News According to Jesus Reaches Filming Milestone
The first phase of filming for Episode 1 of The Good News According to Jesus was completed on August 12, 2022. After a brief interruption, the second phase of filming will begin, with a completion date sometime in October 2022.
As previously reported, the brothers began filming The Good News According to Jesus on May 20, 2022, primarily using indoor sets. At that time, final documentation was still pending for parts of a support building and the outdoor historical film set. These documents were finalized on July 15, 2022. The Australasia Branch Construction Department was able to hand over the building and film set to the Regional Video Team (RVT). These facilities are now fully available for use on the film project.
The support building for the Regional Video Team (RVT). It includes a kitchen, a dining room, office space, and a hair and makeup studio. Animals that will appear on-screen can be kept in the pen
More than 500 volunteers from Australia and New Zealand were involved in constructing the over 7,000 square meters (75,347 sq ft) of historically accurate film sets. Regarding the construction, Brother Russell Grygorcewicz, Construction Committee coordinator, says: “While we experienced many challenges, we clearly saw evidence of Jehovah’s help in overcoming them. Without doubt, what was accomplished was by Jehovah’s spirit.”
Brother Ronald Curzan, helper to the Teaching Committee, was present for much of the first phase of filming. He stated: “The collaboration and camaraderie among the construction volunteers and Bethel family has been remarkable. It’s thrilling to see the sets in full use after years of planning and construction. The overwhelming support by the friends throughout the branch territory has been heartwarming. Without doubt, this 18-episode epic portrayal of Jesus’ life and teachings will touch the hearts of people earth wide.”
Brother Kenneth Cook of the Governing Body, who was present for the final days of the first phase of filming Episode 1, commented: “It is clear that Jehovah’s loving hand is supporting this project. We thank Jehovah and all who have been involved in the construction of sets and filming for their self-sacrifice and loving labor. It is our prayer that this special video series will help many to follow Jesus even more closely and draw closer to Jehovah.”
Entrance to the historical set
Aerial view of a portion of the finished historical set
A sheepfold (foreground) on the outskirts of the historical set
The marketplace
The government square