Original Songs
A collection of songs based on appreciation for our spiritual heritage.
To Do Your Will Is My Delight (2025 Convention Song)
In imitation of Jesus’ joyful obedience, we too find delight in doing God’s will.
It Won’t Be Long
It won’t be long before we enjoy the blessings of the new world.
I Am in Your Hands
Allowing Jehovah to shape you can completely change your life.
Living Peacefully in a Peaceless World
Being peaceable glorifies Jehovah.
Give Jehovah Glory
Our love and appreciation for Jehovah move us to give him glory.
The Power Beyond My Own
See how Jehovah “gives those who are alone a home to dwell in.”
Let’s Keep It Simple
We will be truly happy if we focus on the simple things Jehovah provides.
Pause and Reset
How can reflecting on God’s creation help us pause and successfully deal with life’s challenges?
“The Real Life”
Meditating on our hope for the future gives us strength to endure difficult circumstances.
“Good News”! (2024 Convention Song)
From the first century to today, humans have joyfully preached the good news, sharing in a work that’s much bigger than any one of us—a work that’s directed personally by Jesus and supported individually by the angels.
‘Peace Becomes Just Like a River’
The peace from Jehovah is like a river, and it flows forever.
Feed My Faith
Feed your faith, and doubts will starve to death.
It’s not too late to come home.
We Can’t Hold Back
Trust in Jehovah, and preach despite fear.
He Knows Us
Jehovah knows each one of us and understands our deepest feelings.
“Two Small Coins”
Jehovah appreciates your sacrifices, no matter how great or small.
When All Hearts Sing as One
We enjoy the peace that comes from serving Jehovah.
Draw Close to Me
God is keenly interested in all who want to draw close to him, no matter their background.
“It Will Not Be Late!” (2023 Convention Song)
Imitate faithful ones as you wait patiently on Jehovah.
Live for Forever
We can enjoy a life filled with joy and meaning now and in the future.
Learn From a Fall
If you learn from a mistake, you’ll be stronger than before.
Friends Again
Put any offense behind you and be friends again!
I Know Jehovah’s With Me
With Jehovah’s help, we can overcome any fears.
To Whom Could I Go Away?
Follow a lifetime of faithful service as one servant listens to the voice of the shepherd.
Peace at Last! (2022 Convention Song)
See beyond your trials to God’s promise of true peace.
Together We Are Strong
With our united brotherhood and Jehovah’s help, we can endure any trial.
Jehovah’s Family
There are still people in this world who are looking for truth. This video will motivate you to continue looking for sheeplike ones.
Make Time for Jehovah
Keeping busy for Jehovah is the best way of life.
You Will See
Rejoice in the hope for a new world.
Use Your Strength for Jehovah’s Name
Use your strength for Jehovah. You won’t regret it!
“Always Rejoice”
A happy song can remind us of the many reasons to rejoice.
With Eyes of Faith
Imagine the wondrous future God has in store for mankind.
One United People
Despite trials and tribulations, we remain one united people.
Safeguard Your Mind
With Jehovah’s help, you can win the battle against anxious thoughts.
My Only One
Celebrate Jehovah’s gift of marriage.
We Won’t Stop Now
Strong faith is built from quality building materials.
Run the Race
Make wise decisions to win the race for life.
Forgive Freely
Has someone hurt you? Are you having difficulty letting go? Find out how you can forgive freely.
Our Joy Eternally
Jehovah is and will always be our true Source of joy.
Please Be Convinced
We can be convinced that Jehovah loves us, regardless of the trials that we face.
Just Like a Child
How can we be like a child in the way that we show love?
Roll It on Him
When you’re depressed, continue to rely on Jehovah for strength and comfort.
I Give My Life to You
Motivated by love for Jehovah, we progress to dedication and baptism.
Unfailing Love
Love from Jehovah never fails. It brings us joy and comfort.
The New World to Come
We can influence our thoughts by what we picture in our mind’s eye. This song helps us focus on the new world.
Jehovah’s Always by Our Side
Jehovah is always willing to hold our hand.
“Fight the Fine Fight of the Faith”
Despite our problems and struggles, we can remain faithful to Jehovah.
We’re Your Family
Wherever we are, we are part of Jehovah’s family.
Thankful for God’s Creation
Take time to meditate on Jehovah’s creation and then thank him in prayer.
Be Courageous and Strong
A favorite song that helps us to endure.
Each Day Has Its Own Anxieties
We can find peace and joy despite our burdens.
All I Can Give
Jehovah truly deserves our whole-souled devotion and service.
With Jehovah, We Are One
Even though we live in a wicked world, we have a peaceful and united brotherhood.
You Can Count on Me
Through our ups and downs, we can count on true friends.
Give Me Courage
Jehovah can give us courage to endure any trials we may face.
True Friends
Where do we turn to find true friends?
The Search
Those who sincerely want to know God can do so if they make the effort to search for him.
Do Not Be Afraid
When life gets hard, we need to remember we’re not alone.
Brotherly Love
Jehovah’s people come to each other’s aid like no one else in this world.
Never Alone
When we have Jehovah, we are never alone!
I’m Making a Change
Have you been inspired to make a change in your ministry?
Truly in Love
Having Jehovah God in your marriage will make it strong!
Confident in You
Reading and meditating on God’s Word can help us survive the storms of life.
Important Things
We need to set time aside for the most important things—prayer, study, and godly devotion.
Inspired by Your Wonders
The work of Jehovah’s hands fills us with awe and inspires us to sing to him.
Look at Me
Make the most of the time spent with your brothers and sisters.
A Place That Will Bring You Praise
We are honored to dedicate to Jehovah a place in which his great name will be glorified.
Let’s Take the Leap
Expanding our ministry, in whatever form, can bring us great joy as servants of Jehovah.
Precious Daughter
Through the years, a father watches as his daughter grows up and makes the truth her own.
We Marvel at Your Work
Cherish your privilege of working with Jehovah!
I Can Get Back Up
Follow a previously zealous servant of Jehovah as she finds the strength to return to the love of the congregation.
I Keep Your Reminders
By word and deed, let us prove that we really love Jehovah’s reminders.
Faith Can Make Things Happen
It takes effort to build strong faith, but Jehovah will reward us when we make that effort.
Building My Future With Jehovah
Please Jehovah each day with the choices you make.
Stop, Think, and Pray
When we face problems, what can we do?
Your Word Endures Forever
Praise God for preserving his Word for mankind!
Study Makes You Strong
Personal study of God’s Word can help young ones grow spiritually strong.
We are wise to consider how the choices we make in personal matters affect our ministry and other people.
Just Around the Corner
Looking forward to the future Paradise can help us endure.
Forgive One Another
Look for opportunities in your life to imitate Jehovah and forgive others.
Where I Belong
How can you choose the best friends possible?
Our Thanks Go to You
Through his holy spirit, Jehovah helps us to endure the many challenges we face. We’re moved to sing our appreciation to him.
“Follow the Course of Hospitality”
In what ways can you be hospitable?
Don’t Run So Fast
Our ministry and other aspects of life often improve when we slow down and take our time.
Blessings of Learning a Language
What blessings can you enjoy as the result of learning a new language?
Keep the Pace
Keep pace with Jehovah’s advancing organization!
Imagine the Time
A brand new day is waiting for us just ahead.
Take Your Time, Choose Wisely
When seeking a marriage mate, we need to be patient and choose wisely.
I Give You My Best
It’s not easy for parents to see their children move to a place far away.
Joy of Conventions
When we attend a convention, we feel the unity and love of our worldwide brotherhood.
Jehovah Welcomes You Home
God’s holy spirit can help you take the needed steps to return to him.
Finding Treasures
Personal Bible study and family worship can help us grow spiritually.
Just a Smile
A smile can make a difference in our ministry and our daily life.
Now Is the Time
The pioneer spirit moves us to be generous to our neighbors.
Glad I Passed the Test
What can help young ones face peer pressure at school?
Give You My All
Give God your best while you are young.
“Honor Jehovah With Your Valuable Things”
What can we give Jehovah to bring joy to his heart?
Never Give Up
Carry on, and trust in Jehovah.
What Means the Most to Me
Choose carefully what really honors Jehovah.
If You Could See What I See
I’m a cart that helps to give a witness.
We Won’t Forget You
We are not forgotten in times of adversity.
The Best Life Ever
Helping and encouraging others gives us the best feeling ever.
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