There Is No Better Way of Life
What can you do to be close to God? We have considered the following steps that you can take to cultivate a close relationship with him:
Know and use God’s name, Jehovah.
Communicate regularly with him by praying and studying his Word, the Bible.
Persistently do what pleases Jehovah.
Draw close to God by using his name, praying to him, studying his Word, and doing what pleases him
Based on these criteria, would you say that you are doing what is needed to be close to God? Are there areas that you feel you can improve on? Understandably, effort is needed, but consider the results.
“Every effort put forth to develop a close relationship with God is worth it,” says Jennifer, in the United States. “This relationship brings many blessings: more trust in God, more understanding of his personality, but most of all, more love. There is no better way of life!”
If you would like to enjoy a close relationship with God, Jehovah’s Witnesses will be happy to help you. They can arrange to study the Bible with you, free of charge. You are also welcome to attend their Bible meetings at the local Kingdom Hall, where you will enjoy the association of those who treasure their relationship with God. * As you do so, you too will come to feel as did the psalmist who stated: “As for me, drawing near to God is good for me.”—Psalm 73:28.
^ par. 9 To request a Bible study or to locate a Kingdom Hall near you, please speak to the person who brought you this magazine or visit our Web site,, and look under the heading CONTACT US at the bottom of the page.