SONG 99 Myriads of Brothers
We Are Never Alone
“I will help you.”—ISA. 41:10.
Four ways in which Jehovah cares for us.
1-2. (a) Why can we say that we never face trials alone? (b) What will we discuss in this article?
WHEN we are confronted by serious trials, we may feel as if we were all alone on a small boat in a stormy sea. However, we do not face our trials alone. Our loving heavenly Father not only sees our struggles but also promises to help us get through them. Jehovah extends this warm assurance to his loyal servants: “I will help you.”—Isa. 41:10.
2 This article will discuss how Jehovah helps us (1) by guiding us, (2) by providing for us, (3) by protecting us, and (4) by comforting us. Jehovah assures us that no matter what challenges we face in life, he will never forget about us. He will never abandon us. So we are never alone.
3-4. How does Jehovah guide us? (Psalm 48:14)
3 Read Psalm 48:14. Jehovah does not expect us to guide ourselves. How does he lead his loyal worshippers today? One way he does so is through the pages of the Bible. (Ps. 119:105) By means of his inspired Word, Jehovah helps us to make decisions and cultivate qualities that lead to greater happiness now and eternal life in the future. a For example, he teaches us to let go of resentment, to be honest in all we do, and to love others intensely from the heart. (Ps. 37:8; Heb. 13:18; 1 Pet. 1:22) When we display such godly qualities, we become better parents, marriage mates, and friends.
4 In addition, Jehovah included accounts in his Word of real people who had trials and feelings similar to ours. (1 Cor. 10:13; Jas. 5:17) When we read these true-life accounts and apply the lessons we learn, we benefit in at least two ways. First, we come to realize that we are not alone—others have faced similar situations and endured them successfully. (1 Pet. 5:9) And second, we learn how to cope with our trials.—Rom. 15:4.
5. Whom does Jehovah use to guide us along the road to life?
5 Jehovah has also arranged for fellow believers to guide us. b For instance, circuit overseers regularly visit congregations to encourage us. Their talks strengthen our faith and help us to maintain our precious unity. (Acts 15:40–16:5) Congregation elders too take a sincere interest in each publisher’s welfare. (1 Pet. 5:2, 3) Parents guide their children spiritually, helping them to develop clear thinking ability and wholesome personal habits. (Prov. 22:6) And mature Christian women help younger sisters by setting a good example, giving practical advice, and providing warm encouragement.—Titus 2:3-5.
6. What must we do to benefit from Jehovah’s guidance?
6 Jehovah has done his part by providing the guidance we need. How can we show that we appreciate what he has done for us? Proverbs 3:5, 6 says: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.” When we do, “he will make [our] paths straight,” that is, he will help us avoid many problems and enjoy a happier life. How grateful we can be that Jehovah provides us with loving, personal advice!—Ps. 32:8.
7. What are some ways that Jehovah provides for us? (Philippians 4:19)
7 Read Philippians 4:19. In addition to guiding us spiritually, Jehovah blesses our efforts to obtain the food, clothing, and shelter that we need. (Matt. 6:33; 2 Thess. 3:12) Though it is only natural to be concerned about our physical needs, Jehovah encourages us not to be overly anxious about such matters. (See study note on Matthew 6:25.) Why? Because our Father will never abandon his faithful worshippers in their time of need. (Matt. 6:8; Heb. 13:5) We can take him at his word when he says that he will provide for us.
8. What did Jehovah do for David?
8 Consider the way that Jehovah helped David. During the difficult years David spent as a fugitive, Jehovah provided him and his men with what they needed to survive. Reflecting on Jehovah’s care over the years, David wrote: “I was once young and now I am old, but I have not seen anyone righteous abandoned, nor his children looking for bread.” (Ps. 37:25) Likely during your own lifetime, you too have seen Jehovah lovingly provide for his devoted servants.
9. How does Jehovah provide for his people today during times of disaster? (See also pictures.)
9 Jehovah also provides for his people during times of disaster. For instance, when a famine arose in the first century, Christians from various lands sent provisions to their brothers and sisters who were in need. (Acts 11:27-30; Rom. 15:25, 26) God’s people today show the same spirit of generosity. When disaster strikes, Jehovah lovingly moves his people to provide such necessities as food, water, clothing, and medicine to those living in the affected areas. Construction teams repair damaged homes and Kingdom Halls. And Jehovah’s servants are quick to provide emotional and spiritual support to those who have suffered loss. c
How does Jehovah provide comfort for us during times of disaster? (See paragraph 9) e
10-11. What do you learn from the experience of Borys?
10 Jehovah also generously provides for those who do not yet worship him. Similarly, we look for opportunities to be kind to those who do not share our faith. (Gal. 6:10) This often results in a fine witness. Consider the experience of Borys, a school principal who lives in Ukraine. Although Borys is not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, he always treated his Witness students with kindness and showed respect for their beliefs. When Borys decided to flee the war zone where he was living and go to a safer part of the country, our brothers helped him. Later, Borys attended the Memorial of Christ’s death. Reflecting on his experience, Borys said: “The Witnesses were very attentive to me and cared for me. I am thankful to Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
11 We too can imitate our merciful heavenly Father by showing love to those in need, whether they share our beliefs or not. (Luke 6:31, 36) We hope that our efforts to love people will result in their becoming disciples of Christ. (1 Pet. 2:12) Regardless of the outcome, though, we will enjoy the greater happiness that comes from giving.—Acts 20:35.
12. What protection does Jehovah promise to provide for his people as a group? (Psalm 91:1, 2, 14)
12 Read Psalm 91:1, 2, 14. Today, Jehovah promises to provide us with spiritual protection. He will never allow Satan to corrupt true worship. (John 17:15) And when “the great tribulation” strikes, we can have absolute confidence that Jehovah will fulfill his promise to safeguard his people not only spiritually but also physically.—Rev. 7:9, 14.
13. In what ways does Jehovah protect us as individuals?
13 What protection does Jehovah provide for us as individuals? Through the Scriptures, Jehovah helps us discern right from wrong. (Heb. 5:14) When we live by the principles found in God’s Word, we shield ourselves from both spiritual and physical harm. (Ps. 91:4) Additionally, Jehovah provides protection through the congregation. (Isa. 32:1, 2) By surrounding ourselves with those who love Jehovah and who live by his principles, we receive encouragement and are strengthened to resist harmful influences.—Prov. 13:20.
14. (a) Why does God not shield us from all trials? (b) Of what does Psalm 9:10 assure us? (See also footnote.)
14 Jehovah at times protected his worshippers in the past from physical harm. However, he did not do so in every case. Sometimes we fall victim to “unexpected events.” (Eccl. 9:11) Also, Jehovah has allowed his servants throughout history to face persecution and even death in order to prove Satan a liar. (Job 2:4-6; Matt. 23:34) The same is true today. Although Jehovah may not remove our trials, we can be sure that he will never abandon those who love him. d—Ps. 9:10.
15. How are we comforted by means of prayer, God’s Word, and fellow Christians? (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4)
15 Read 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4. At times, we experience grief, anxiety, or distress. Perhaps you are going through a distressing situation right now that makes you feel alone. Does anyone understand what you are feeling? Jehovah does. He not only feels our pain but also “comforts us in all our trials.” How? When we supplicate Jehovah in prayer, he gives us “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.” (Phil. 4:6, 7) We also find comfort when we read in the Bible Jehovah’s words to us. The inspired expressions of love, wisdom, and hope in that treasure can lift our spirits. And Christian meetings comfort us by providing warm fellowship and Bible-based encouragement.
16. What do you learn from the experience of Nathan and Priscilla?
16 To illustrate how Jehovah provides comfort and encouragement by means of his Word, consider the experience of Nathan and Priscilla, who live in the United States. Some years ago, they decided to move to where there was a greater need for Kingdom publishers. “We trusted that Jehovah would bless our efforts,” Nathan says. However, after arriving in their new assignment, they faced unexpected health problems and financial hardships. The couple eventually had to return home, where they still continued to struggle financially. “I wondered why God hadn’t blessed us the way we thought he would,” Nathan recalls. “I even began to wonder if I had done something wrong.” In time, however, Nathan and Priscilla came to realize that God had not abandoned them in their time of need. “During those difficult times, the Bible became like a wise friend offering us encouragement and guidance,” Nathan relates. “Focusing on how Jehovah helped us to endure that hardship instead of focusing on the trial itself prepared us to face future challenges with faith.”
17. How did a sister named Helga receive comfort? (See also picture.)
17 Our brothers and sisters can provide us with additional comfort. How so? Consider the example of Helga, who lives in Hungary. For decades, she dealt with a variety of challenges that left her feeling desperate and worthless. But looking back, she can see how Jehovah comforted her through the congregation. She writes: “Jehovah has always helped me when he saw that my strength was meager because of secular work, caring for my sick child, and other trials. There has not been a day during the last 30 years that he has not kept his promise to comfort me. He often strengthens me through kind, thoughtful, and appreciative comments from others. I have often received a message, a card, or a word of commendation right when I needed it most.”
How might Jehovah use you to comfort others? (See paragraph 17)
18. How can we comfort others?
18 We have the privilege of imitating our God by comforting others. How can we do so? We can listen to them patiently, speak with them consolingly, and help them in practical ways. (Prov. 3:27) We endeavor to comfort all who suffer, including those not yet serving God. When our neighbors experience grief, illness, or anxiety, we visit them, listen to them, and share with them encouraging passages from the Bible. When we imitate Jehovah, “the God of all comfort,” we may not only help fellow believers to endure trials but also soften the hearts of unbelievers toward pure worship.—Matt. 5:16.
19. What does Jehovah do for us, and how can we imitate him?
19 Jehovah is very concerned about all those who love him. He does not abandon us when we are struggling. Just as a parent lovingly cares for a child, Jehovah cares for his faithful worshippers. He guides us, provides for us, protects us, and comforts us. We imitate our loving heavenly Father when we support and encourage others during their trials. Though challenges and heartaches may come our way, we can rest assured that Jehovah is with us. After all, he has promised: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you.” (Isa. 41:10) What confidence this gives us! We are truly never alone.
SONG 100 Receive Them With Hospitality
a See the article “Make Decisions That Honor God” in the April 15, 2011, issue of The Watchtower.
b See paragraphs 11-14 of the article “Keep Following Jehovah’s Guidance” in the February 2024 issue of The Watchtower.
c You can find recent examples on by typing “disaster relief” in the search bar.
d See “Questions From Readers” in the February 2017 issue of The Watchtower.
e PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Brothers in Malawi, receiving material and spiritual support after suffering a natural disaster.