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People of various races and ages walk toward the new world

How God’s Care Can Benefit You

How God’s Care Can Benefit You

God has created our bodies with the marvelous ability to heal. When a healthy body is cut, scraped, or punctured, it “orchestrates a complex cascade of events designed to heal wounds big and small.” (Johns Hopkins Medicine) The body immediately springs into action to stop the bleeding, widen the blood vessels, repair the wound, and strengthen the tissue.

CONSIDER: If the Creator designed our bodies to heal physical wounds, can we not have confidence in his promise to help us recover from emotional injuries too? “He heals the brokenhearted,” wrote the psalmist. “He binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3) But if you suffer from emotional trauma or distress, how can you be sure that Jehovah will bind up your wounds​—both now and in the future?


God promises: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:10) A person who knows that Jehovah cares about him has peace of mind and the strength to deal with various trials. The apostle Paul called this inner calmness “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.” Paul added: “For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power.”​—Philippians 4:4-7, 9, 13.

The Scriptures help us to build faith in Jehovah’s promises for mankind’s future. For example, Revelation 21:4, 5 tells us what he will do and why we can trust him to do it:

  • “He will wipe out every tear” from people’s eyes. Jehovah will eliminate all our suffering and anxiety, even concerns that seem insignificant to others.

  • “Seated on the throne” in heavenly glory, the Almighty King of all creation will exercise his power and authority to prevent suffering and to give us the help we need.

  • Jehovah guarantees that his promises are “faithful and true.” That is, he stakes his reputation as the true God on the fulfillment of his promises.

“‘He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.’ And the One seated on the throne said: ‘Look! I am making all things new.’ Also he says: ‘Write, for these words are faithful and true.’”​—Revelation 21:4, 5.

Both the physical universe and the Bible reveal the personality and the attributes of our heavenly Father. While creation represents an implicit invitation to get to know God as an intimate Friend, the Bible makes that invitation explicit, saying: “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.” (James 4:8) Says Acts 17:27: “He is not far off from each one of us.”

As you take the time to know God, you will become increasingly convinced that “he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) What are the practical benefits of such trust in Jehovah?

Consider the case of Toru, from Japan. He was raised by a Christian mother, yet he became involved in the violent world of the yakuza, the Japanese Mafia. He relates, “I believed that God hated me, and I felt that the deaths of those around me, especially those who were very dear to me, were a punishment for me.” Toru admits that in this destructive environment and frame of mind, he became “a heartless and unfeeling person.” Regarding his ambition, he recalls, “I wanted to die young after killing someone more famous than me and thus make a name for myself.”

However, when Toru and his wife, Hannah, studied the Bible, Toru made drastic changes in his life and outlook. “I watched my husband change before my very eyes,” says Hannah. Now, Toru says with certainty: “There is a God who really cares about each one of us. He does not want anyone to die, and he is willing to forgive those who truly repent of their errors. He listens to things that we can tell no one but him and that no one else would understand. In the near future, Jehovah will remove all problems, suffering, and agony. Even now, he helps us in the most unexpected ways. He cares for us and saves us when we are low.”​—Psalm 136:23.

As Toru’s experience illustrates, knowing that God can​—and soon will—​eliminate all tragedy and wipe away every tear not only gives us a sure hope for the future but also helps us to live a better life now. Yes, even in a world saturated with suffering, you can benefit from God’s loving care.