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Multitudes Embrace Jehovah’s Worship

Multitudes Embrace Jehovah’s Worship

“My Help Is From Jehovah”

Multitudes Embrace Jehovah’s Worship

BIBLE prophecies pointing to our day foretold that people from all nations would flock to Jehovah’s elevated worship. For example, through the prophet Haggai, Jehovah God declared: “I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory.” (Haggai 2:7) Both Isaiah and Micah prophesied that during our time​—“the final part of the days”—​nations and peoples would worship Jehovah in an acceptable way.​—Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4.

Are such prophecies really being fulfilled today? Let the facts speak for themselves. During the past ten years alone, more than 3,110,000 new ones have dedicated themselves to Jehovah in more than 230 lands. Indeed, 6 out of every 10 Witnesses of Jehovah currently serving worldwide were baptized during the last decade. In 2004, on average, a newly dedicated servant of God was added to the Christian congregation every two minutes! *

As in the first century, today ‘a great number have become believers and have turned to the Lord.’ Although numerical increase is not in itself proof of God’s blessing, it does provide evidence that “the hand of Jehovah” is with his people. (Acts 11:21) What leads millions to Jehovah’s worship? And how are you personally affected by this development?

Righthearted People Are Attracted

In very direct terms, Jesus stated: “No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him.” (John 6:44) Ultimately, therefore, Jehovah is responsible for drawing people who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life.” (Acts 13:48) God’s spirit can awaken people to their spiritual need. (Matthew 5:3) A disturbed conscience, a desperate quest for hope, or a gripping crisis may lead some to search for God and thus learn about his purpose for mankind.​—Mark 7:26-30; Luke 19:2-10.

Many individuals are attracted to Jehovah’s worship because the Bible educational program of the Christian congregation helps them to get answers to questions that perplex them.

“If there is a God, why do people continue to suffer injustice?” That was the question that tormented Davide, a drug dealer in Italy. He was not particularly interested in religious matters, so he posed this challenging question more as a provocation than anything else. “I didn’t think I was going to receive a reasonable and convincing answer,” he says. “But the Witness who spoke with me was very patient and backed up with passages from the Bible what he was saying. That conversation had a profound effect on me.” Today, Davide has straightened out his life and serves Jehovah.

Others are led to the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization as a result of their quest for meaning and purpose. Seeking therapy for her own emotional problems, a psychiatrist in Zagreb, Croatia, visited a famous colleague. To her surprise, the doctor gave her the phone number of the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zagreb, as well as the name of a Witness he knew. “Look,” he said, “I think these people can help you. If I send you to the church, you will find only lifeless statues​—nobody is speaking, and everything is dark. I don’t think the church can help you. I have sent other patients to Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I think it would be the best for you too.” Obligingly, the Witnesses visited her and soon started a Bible study with her. In a few weeks, that psychiatrist joyfully declared that knowledge of God’s purpose had given meaning to her life.​—Ecclesiastes 12:13.

When a personal crisis strikes, many have found that only Bible truth can provide real comfort. In Greece, a seven-year-old boy fell from the roof of his school and died. A few months later, two Witnesses met his mother and tried to comfort her by discussing the resurrection hope. (John 5:28, 29) At that, the lady burst into tears. The sisters asked: “If you would like to know more about the Bible, when can we visit you?” “Right now,” she answered. The woman took them to her home, and a Bible study was started. Today, her whole family is serving Jehovah.

Are You Having a Part?

Such experiences are typical of what is happening around the world. Jehovah is gathering and training a great multinational crowd of true worshippers. This international group has the happy prospect of surviving the approaching end of this wicked system of things and living on into a righteous new world.​—2 Peter 3:13.

As a result of Jehovah’s blessing, this unprecedented work of ingathering is moving irresistibly toward its successful completion. (Isaiah 55:10, 11; Matthew 24:3, 14) Are you zealously engaging in this Kingdom-preaching activity? If you are, you can be confident of divine support and can echo these words of the psalmist: “My help is from Jehovah.”​—Psalm 121:2.


^ par. 4 See 2005 Calendar of Jehovah’s Witnesses, September/October.

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“No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him.”​—JOHN 6:44

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“Unless Jehovah himself builds the house, it is to no avail that its builders have worked hard on it.”​—Psalm 127:1.

“God kept making it grow; so that neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes it grow.”​—1 Corinthians 3:6, 7.