Honorary Titles
Should Christians use honorific religious titles?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Lu 18:18, 19—Though he is good, Jesus refuses to accept the title “Good Teacher,” ascribing all goodness to Jehovah
Why do Christians avoid addressing people by religious titles, such as “Father” or “Leader”?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Mt 23:9-12—Jesus forbids the use of honorary titles, such as “Father” or “Leader”
1Co 4:14-17—Although the apostle Paul was like a father to many, nowhere do we see him being called Father Paul or the like
Why is it appropriate for Christians to address and treat one another as brothers and sisters?
See also Ac 12:17; 18:18; Ro 16:1
Relevant Bible account(s):
Mt 12:46-50—Jesus makes it clear that his fellow believers are his spiritual brothers and sisters
Why is it proper for Christians to use titles for secular and political rulers, judges, and other officials?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ac 26:1, 2, 25—The apostle Paul addresses secular rulers, such as Agrippa and Festus, by their official titles