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Who alone in all the universe has absolute freedom?

Isa 40:13, 15; Ro 9:20, 21

See also Ro 11:33-36

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Da 4:29-35​—Mighty King Nebuchadnezzar comes to learn that Jehovah is the Supreme Authority and answers to no one

    • Isa 45:6-12​—Jehovah explains why he is above being questioned by his creation

Despite having absolute freedom, what are some things that Jehovah chooses never to do?

Why is our freedom limited?

Why should Christians restrict their own freedom for the sake of others?

Why might it be said that Jehovah’s servants enjoy considerable freedom?

Why is a life of serving God a happy life?

Ps 40:8

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Ge 18:3; Heb 11:8-10​—Abraham, a servant of Jehovah, leads a life filled with hope

    • Heb 11:24-26​—The prophet Moses finds great fulfillment, freedom, and hope in serving Jehovah

Jehovah offers freedom from what bondage?

Why should we not abuse our freedom as Christians?

When may love move Christians to give up certain freedoms?

How does our message free people?

What kind of freedom does the Bible offer for the future?

In what way do those who do whatever they want become slaves?

What shows that all humans are equal in God’s eyes?