The Pathway to Peace and Happiness

If you are concerned about the future of your loved ones, this information is for you.


How can you find peace and happiness in a lawless, loveless world?

We All Need Guidance and Direction

For many people, it is an everyday struggle to provide for and to educate one’s family. Where can help be found?

The Search for Practical Guidance

You can find the key to peace and happiness.

A Book That Is Extraordinary

Many religions and philosophies claim to be the pathway to happiness. What makes the Bible’s teachings different?

Promises That We Can Trust

What our original Father foretells for the future.

Getting to Know the Originator of All Things

The Maker of all things is a powerful and mighty Person.

A God of Love and Justice

We love justice because Jehovah, our Creator, loves justice.

A God Full of Wisdom and Great in Power

Our very existence depends on his wisdom and power.

An End to All Problems

If Jehovah is such a powerful and loving Person who created all things, why is there so much trouble on earth?

Peace and Happiness Soon!

One day the earth will be filled with good and honest people. But when will that day come?

To Find Out More

How can you be sure that a better world is not just a dream?