Get to Know God While There Is Yet Time!
Get to Know God While There Is Yet Time!
The Bible says repeatedly that “the nations will have to know that I am Jehovah.” But they will learn it in a way that means their eternal destruction. That does not have to be true of you.
You may say that you believe in God. But how much do you really know about him? Can you honestly say that you have read and understood his Word, the Bible?
When you were young you may have gone to Sunday school. Perhaps you go to church now. But if you do not really know God and his will for you, do not just drift along until it is too late. Simply because others are willing to go through empty formalities of worship, you do not have to do the same. Learn the truth.
To help you learn the truth, do not fail to obtain and read the book “THE NATIONS SHALL KNOW THAT I AM JEHOVAH”—HOW? It will be sent to you, postpaid, for only 50c.
To order, see inside back cover for addresses.