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We Must Have the Faith

We Must Have the Faith

Song 144

We Must Have the Faith

(Hebrews 10:39)

1. On many occasions God spoke long ago

By means of his prophets on earth here below.

But lastly he spoke by his heavenly Son;

By paying attention our safety is won.


2. Let’s not throw away our great freeness of speech,

For we need such boldness to preach and to teach.

If we by faith follow the steps of our Lord,

Jehovah will give us a fine, rich reward.


3. We are not the shrinking sort God will destroy,

But we are the trusting sort he will employ.

Though ever so many foes ’gainst us arise,

Our faith in Jehovah we’ll still exercise.


We must have the faith that the Bible does revive.

We must build such faith if God’s war we would survive.

Do we have a faith accompanied by works?

This kind of faith preserves our souls alive.