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Who Created You?

Who Created You?

Who Created You?

1 God made the heavens and the earth.—Genesis 1:1

2 God has a name. His name is Jehovah.—Psalm 83:18

Jehovah lives in heaven. He is a spirit. You cannot see him.—Isaiah 66:1; John 1:18; 4:24

3 Jehovah God made many angels in heaven. They are also spirits. They were all good. In the past they sometimes took on human form so that men could see them.—Hebrews 1:7

4 Jehovah made the animals a long time ago, before he made man.—Genesis 1:25

5 Jehovah also made a man named Adam and his wife named Eve.—Genesis 1:27

God placed them in a beautiful garden, or paradise. He made only one wife for Adam. The man was to stay with his one wife.—Genesis 2:8, 21, 22, 24

6 Man is a soul.—Genesis 2:7

7 Animals are souls.—Genesis 1:24