Outline of Contents PLAY 1 Leaving Mount Horeb (1-8) Chiefs and judges appointed (9-18) Disobedience at Kadesh-barnea (19-46) Israel’s refusal to enter the land (26-33) Unsuccessful conquest of Canaan (41-46) 2 Wandering in the wilderness for 38 years (1-23) Victory over King Sihon of Heshbon (24-37) 3 Victory over King Og of Bashan (1-7) Division of the land east of the Jordan (8-20) Joshua told not to be afraid (21, 22) Moses not to enter the land (23-29) 4 A call to obedience (1-14) Do not forget God’s acts (9) Jehovah requires exclusive devotion (15-31) No other God besides Jehovah (32-40) Cities of refuge east of the Jordan (41-43) Introduction to the Law (44-49) 5 Jehovah’s covenant at Horeb (1-5) The Ten Commandments restated (6-22) The people’s fear at Mount Sinai (23-33) 6 Love Jehovah with all your heart (1-9) “Listen, O Israel” (4) Parents to instruct children (6, 7) Do not forget Jehovah (10-15) Do not put Jehovah to the test (16-19) Tell the next generation (20-25) 7 Seven nations to be destroyed (1-6) Why Israel was chosen (7-11) Obedience brings future success (12-26) 8 Blessings from Jehovah reviewed (1-9) “Not live by bread alone” (3) Do not forget Jehovah (10-20) 9 Why Israel was given the land (1-6) Israel provokes Jehovah four times (7-29) The golden calf (7-14) Moses intercedes (15-21, 25-29) Three more provocations (22) 10 Two tablets remade (1-11) What Jehovah requires (12-22) Fear and love Jehovah (12) 11 You have seen Jehovah’s greatness (1-7) The Promised Land (8-12) Rewards for obedience (13-17) God’s words to be impressed on hearts (18-25) “A blessing and a curse” (26-32) 12 Worship at the place God chooses (1-14) Allowed to eat meat but not blood (15-28) Do not be entrapped by other gods (29-32) 13 How to treat apostates (1-18) 14 Inappropriate displays of mourning (1, 2) Clean and unclean foods (3-21) A tenth for Jehovah (22-29) 15 Debt canceled every seventh year (1-6) Assisting the poor (7-11) Release of slaves every seventh year (12-18) An awl through a slave’s ear (16, 17) Firstborn animals sanctified (19-23) 16 Passover; Festival of Unleavened Bread (1-8) Festival of Weeks (9-12) Festival of Booths (13-17) Appointing judges (18-20) Forbidden objects of worship (21, 22) 17 Sacrifices to be without defect (1) Handling matters of apostasy (2-7) Difficult judgment matters (8-13) Guidelines for a future king (14-20) King to write a copy of the Law (18) 18 Share of priests and Levites (1-8) Occult practices forbidden (9-14) A prophet like Moses (15-19) How to identify false prophets (20-22) 19 Bloodguilt and cities of refuge (1-13) Boundary markers not to be moved (14) Witnesses in court (15-21) Two or three witnesses required (15) 20 Rules for warfare (1-20) Exemptions from military service (5-9) 21 Unsolved murders (1-9) Marrying captive women (10-14) Right of the firstborn (15-17) A stubborn son (18-21) A man hung on a stake accursed (22, 23) 22 Respect for neighbors’ animals (1-4) Wearing garments of the opposite sex (5) Kindness to animals (6, 7) Parapet for the roof (8) Improper mixtures (9-11) Tassels on clothing (12) Laws on sexual violations (13-30) 23 Those ineligible for God’s congregation (1-8) Cleanliness of the camp (9-14) Fugitive slaves (15, 16) Prostitution forbidden (17, 18) Interest and vows (19-23) What passersby are allowed to eat (24, 25) 24 Marriage and divorce (1-5) Respect for life (6-9) Showing concern for the poor (10-18) Rules on gleaning (19-22) 25 Flogging regulated (1-3) Do not muzzle a threshing bull (4) Brother-in-law marriage (5-10) Improper grabbing in fights (11, 12) Honest weights and measures (13-16) Amalekites to be destroyed (17-19) 26 Offering the firstfruits (1-11) A second tithe (12-15) Israel, a special property to Jehovah (16-19) 27 The Law to be written on stones (1-10) At Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim (11-14) The curses recited (15-26) 28 Blessings for obedience (1-14) Curses for disobedience (15-68) 29 Covenant with Israel at Moab (1-13) Warning against disobedience (14-29) Things concealed, things revealed (29) 30 Returning to Jehovah (1-10) Jehovah’s commands not too difficult (11-14) Choosing between life and death (15-20) 31 Moses about to die (1-8) Public reading of the Law (9-13) Joshua appointed (14, 15) Israel’s rebelliousness foretold (16-30) A song to teach Israel (19, 22, 30) 32 Song of Moses (1-47) Jehovah, the Rock (4) Israel forgets its Rock (18) “Vengeance is mine” (35) “Be glad, you nations, with his people” (43) Moses to die on Mount Nebo (48-52) 33 Moses blesses the tribes (1-29) Jehovah’s “everlasting arms” (27) 34 Jehovah shows Moses the land (1-4) Death of Moses (5-12) Previous Next Print Share Share Deuteronomy—Outline of Contents BIBLE BOOKS Deuteronomy—Outline of Contents English Deuteronomy—Outline of Contents https://cms-imgp.jw-cdn.org/img/p/1001070000/univ/art/1001070000_univ_sqr_xl.jpg nwtsty Deuteronomy Copyrights for this publication Copyright © 2025 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. 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