Outline of Contents PLAY 1 Solomon’s request for wisdom (1-12) Solomon’s wealth (13-17) 2 Preparations for building the temple (1-18) 3 Solomon starts building the temple (1-7) The Most Holy (8-14) The two copper pillars (15-17) 4 The altar, the Sea, and the basins (1-6) Lampstands, tables, and courtyards (7-11a) Completion of the temple furnishings (11b-22) 5 Preparations for the temple inauguration (1-14) The Ark brought to the temple (2-10) 6 Solomon’s address to the people (1-11) Solomon’s prayer of inauguration (12-42) 7 Temple filled with Jehovah’s glory (1-3) Inauguration ceremonies (4-10) Jehovah appears to Solomon (11-22) 8 Solomon’s other building projects (1-11) Worship at the temple organized (12-16) Solomon’s fleet (17, 18) 9 Queen of Sheba visits Solomon (1-12) Solomon’s wealth (13-28) Death of Solomon (29-31) 10 Israel’s rebellion against Rehoboam (1-19) 11 Rehoboam’s rule (1-12) Loyal Levites move to Judah (13-17) Rehoboam’s family (18-23) 12 Shishak’s attack on Jerusalem (1-12) End of Rehoboam’s rule (13-16) 13 Abijah, king of Judah (1-22) Abijah defeats Jeroboam (3-20) 14 Death of Abijah (1) Asa, king of Judah (2-8) Asa defeats 1,000,000 Ethiopians (9-15) 15 Asa’s reforms (1-19) 16 Asa’s treaty with Syria (1-6) Hanani rebukes Asa (7-10) Death of Asa (11-14) 17 Jehoshaphat, king of Judah (1-6) Teaching campaign (7-9) Jehoshaphat’s military power (10-19) 18 Jehoshaphat’s alliance with Ahab (1-11) Micaiah’s prophecy of defeat (12-27) Ahab killed at Ramoth-gilead (28-34) 19 Jehu rebukes Jehoshaphat (1-3) Jehoshaphat’s reforms (4-11) 20 Neighboring nations threaten Judah (1-4) Jehoshaphat prays for help (5-13) Answer from Jehovah (14-19) Judah miraculously saved (20-30) End of Jehoshaphat’s rule (31-37) 21 Jehoram, king of Judah (1-11) Written message from Elijah (12-15) Jehoram’s bad end (16-20) 22 Ahaziah, king of Judah (1-9) Athaliah usurps the throne (10-12) 23 Jehoiada intervenes; Jehoash made king (1-11) Athaliah put to death (12-15) Jehoiada’s reforms (16-21) 24 Jehoash’s rule (1-3) Jehoash renovates the temple (4-14) Jehoash’s apostasy (15-22) Jehoash assassinated (23-27) 25 Amaziah, king of Judah (1-4) War with Edom (5-13) Amaziah’s idolatry (14-16) War with Israel’s King Jehoash (17-24) Death of Amaziah (25-28) 26 Uzziah, king of Judah (1-5) Uzziah’s military exploits (6-15) Haughty Uzziah made a leper (16-21) Death of Uzziah (22, 23) 27 Jotham, king of Judah (1-9) 28 Ahaz, king of Judah (1-4) Defeated by Syria and Israel (5-8) Oded warns Israel (9-15) Judah humbled (16-19) Ahaz’ idolatry; his death (20-27) 29 Hezekiah, king of Judah (1, 2) Hezekiah’s reforms (3-11) Temple cleansed (12-19) Temple services revived (20-36) 30 Hezekiah observes the Passover (1-27) 31 Hezekiah uproots apostasy (1) Priests and Levites properly supported (2-21) 32 Sennacherib threatens Jerusalem (1-8) Sennacherib defies Jehovah (9-19) Angel strikes Assyrian army (20-23) Hezekiah’s sickness and haughtiness (24-26) Hezekiah’s achievements and death (27-33) 33 Manasseh, king of Judah (1-9) Manasseh repents of his badness (10-17) Death of Manasseh (18-20) Amon, king of Judah (21-25) 34 Josiah, king of Judah (1, 2) Josiah’s reforms (3-13) Book of the Law found (14-21) Huldah’s prophecy of calamity (22-28) Josiah reads the book to the people (29-33) 35 Josiah arranges for a great Passover (1-19) Josiah killed by Pharaoh Necho (20-27) 36 Jehoahaz, king of Judah (1-3) Jehoiakim, king of Judah (4-8) Jehoiachin, king of Judah (9, 10) Zedekiah, king of Judah (11-14) Destruction of Jerusalem (15-21) Cyrus’ decree to rebuild the temple (22, 23) Previous Next Print Share Share 2 Chronicles—Outline of Contents BIBLE BOOKS 2 Chronicles—Outline of Contents English 2 Chronicles—Outline of Contents https://cms-imgp.jw-cdn.org/img/p/1001070000/univ/art/1001070000_univ_sqr_xl.jpg nwtsty 2 Chronicles Copyrights for this publication Copyright © 2025 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY POLICY | PRIVACY SETTINGS