Psalm 11:1-7
(Of the Director. Of David’s.)
11 In Jehovah I take refuge: how is it you say to my soul“Flit mountainward like a sparrow”?
2 For here have the wicked strung their bow,Set their arrow on the string,in gloom to shoot at right-minded men.
3 When the foundations are torn upwhat does an honest man do?
4 Jehovah is in his holy temple;Jehovah has his throne in the sky;His eyes view,his glances test, the sons of men.
5 Jehovah tests honest man and rascal,and his nature hates a lover of outrage.
6 He will rain on rascals burning charcoal and sulfur,and scorching wind is the cup poured out for them.
7 For Jehovah is honest, loves honest doings;upright men shall behold his face.