Psalm 99:1-9
99 Jehovah himself has become king.+ Let the peoples be agitated.+He is sitting upon the cherubs.+ Let the earth quiver.+
2 Jehovah is great in Zion,+And he is high over all the peoples.+
3 Let them laud your name.+Great and fear-inspiring, holy it is.+
4 And with the strength of a king judgment he has loved.+You yourself have firmly established uprightness.+Judgment and righteousness in Jacob are what you yourself have effected.+
5 Exalt Jehovah our God+ and bow down yourselves at his footstool;+He is holy.+
6 Moses and Aaron were among his priests,+And Samuel was among those calling upon his name.+They were calling to Jehovah, and he himself kept answering them.+
7 In the pillar of cloud he continued speaking to them.+They kept his reminders and the regulation that he gave to them.+
8 O Jehovah our God, you yourself answered them.+A God* granting pardon you proved to be to them,+And executing vengeance against their notorious deeds.+
9 Exalt Jehovah our God+And bow down yourselves at his holy mountain.+For Jehovah our God is holy.+
^ “God.” Heb., ʼEl.