Once weekly recombinant human erythropoietin treatment for cancer-induced anemia in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia receiving maintenance chemotherapy: a randomized case-controlled study. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Hematology 2007;12(6):533-41.
檢索: PubMed 17852440
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Epoetin alpha decreases the number of erythrocyte transfusions in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, lymphoblastic lymphoma, and Burkitt leukemia/lymphoma: results of a randomized clinical trial. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Cancer 2012;118(3):848-55.
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Recombinant human erythropoietin beta therapy: an effective strategy to reduce transfusion requirement in children receiving anticancer treatment. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2008;25(6):509-21.
檢索: PubMed 18728970
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Recombinant human erythropoietin beta: the effect of weekly dosing on anemia, quality of life, and long-term outcomes in pediatric cancer patients. (開啟新視窗)
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Epoetin alfa in patients with advanced-stage Hodgkin's lymphoma: results of the randomized placebo-controlled GHSG HD15EPO trial. (開啟新視窗)
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Treatment patterns and outcomes in management of solid cancer patients suffering from anemia in Penang hospital. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2011;12(6):1573-6.
檢索: PubMed 22126501
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of every-3-week darbepoetin alfa 300 micrograms for treatment of chemotherapy-induced anemia. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Curr Med Res Opin 2009;25(9):2109-20.
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Hemoglobin response and improvements in quality of life in anemic children with cancer receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy. (開啟新視窗)
來源: J Support Oncol 2005;3(6 Suppl 4):10-1.
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The efficacy of recombinant human erythropoietin in treatment chemotherapy induced anemia in children diagnosed with a solid cancer. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Iran J Ped Hematol Oncol 2014;4(4):151-9.
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2007 Standards, Options, and Recommendations: use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA: epoetin alfa, epoetin beta, and darbepoetin) for the management of anemia in children with cancer. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2009;53(1):7-12.
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Prospective study of erythropoietin use on quality of life and cost effectiveness in acute myeloid leukemia and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Cancer 2013;119(1):107-14.
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Erythropoietic growth factors for children with cancer: a systematic review of the literature. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Curr Med Res Opin 2007;23(11):2841-7.
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Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of quality of life, hematologic end points, and safety of weekly epoetin alfa in children with cancer receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy. (開啟新視窗)
來源: J Clin Oncol 2006;24(22):3583-9.
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The role of recombinant erythropoietin in childhood cancer. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Oncologist 2008;13(2):157-66.
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Efficacy and safety of iorEPOCIM for chemotherapy- or radiotherapy-induced anemia in pediatric cancer patients. (開啟新視窗)
來源: MEDICC Rev 2010;12(3):27-31.
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A single institutional experience: is epoetin alpha effective in anemic children with cancer? (開啟新視窗)
來源: Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2004;21(1):1-8.
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Single dose darbepoetin alfa is useful in reducing red cell transfusions in leukemic children receiving chemotherapy. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2014;31(5):442-7.
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Early epoetin alfa treatment in children with solid tumors. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Med Pediatr Oncol 2002;39(4):459-62.
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Intravenous iron for critically ill children. Comparison of three dose regimens. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2024;71(1):e30734.
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Intravenous iron sucrose for children with iron deficiency failing to respond to oral iron therapy. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011;56(4):615-9.
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Intravenous iron sucrose for children with iron deficiency anemia. (開啟新視窗)
來源: J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2017;39(5):e259-62.
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Advances in Pediatric Intravenous Iron Therapy. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2016;63(1):11-6.
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The role of iron in the management of chemotherapy-induced anemia in cancer patients receiving erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016;(2):CD009624.
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Randomized trial of intravenous iron supplementation in patients with chemotherapy-related anemia without iron deficiency treated with darbepoetin alpha. (開啟新視窗)
來源: J Clin Oncol 2008;26(10):1619-25.
檢索: PubMed 18375891
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Intravenous low molecular weight iron dextran in children with iron deficiency anemia unresponsive to oral iron. (開啟新視窗)
來源: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2013;60(11):1747-52.
檢索: PubMed 23832487
DOI碼: 10.1002/pbc.24676