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Become Jehovah’s Friend—Sing With Us

These sing-along animated videos can help children learn the lyrics to Kingdom songs.

Jehovah Is Your Name (Song 2)

Praise Jehovah’s glorious name with this song.

God’s Wondrous Works (Song 5)

Do you notice God’s creation each day?

“I Want To” (Song 17)

How can you help those in need?

Gaining Jehovah’s Friendship (Song 28)

Would you like to be God’s friend? The words to this song can help you learn how.

He Will Make You Strong (Song 38)

Jehovah can help you to be strong and do what is right.

Please Hear My Prayer (Song 41)

Pray to Jehovah, and he will hear you no matter where you are.

We Thank You, Jehovah (Song 46)

Why do you thank Jehovah? See how many reasons you can count as you sing the words to this song.

“This Is the Way” (Song 54)

In what way can you listen to God’s voice and walk in Jesus’ footsteps?

Make the Truth Your Own (Song 56)

Have you taken that step?

Preaching to All Sorts of People (Song 57)

Do you preach to all people no matter what they might appear to be?

“Preach the Word” (Song 67)

Are you ready to sing about preaching God’s word?

Grant Us Boldness (Song 73)

Jehovah can give you courage to continue speaking in his name.

“Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good” (Song 80)

Learn the words to this song, then sing it to someone in full-time service.

The Life of a Pioneer (Song 81)

Think about being a pioneer, a life where you can always experience Jehovah’s blessing.

“From House to House” (Song 83)

You too can help spread the Kingdom message!

Reaching Out (Song 84)

There are many different ways you can reach out to help others.

Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed (Song 89)

Sing along with Caleb and Sophia and learn why being obedient makes us happy.

Working Together in Unity (Song 101)

Watch the Christian unity of our brothers at an international convention.

Our Reasons for Joy (Song 111)

What reasons do you have to be joyful?

Be Forgiving (Song 130)

Imitate Jehovah by forgiving others from the heart.

Worship Jehovah During Youth (Song 133)

Remember your Grand Creator while you are young.

Children Are a Trust From God (Song 134)

Did you know that children are a precious gift from God? Learn the words to this song so you can sing along.

Jehovah’s Warm Appeal: “Be Wise, My Son” (Song 135)

Will you try hard to make Jehovah’s heart rejoice? Watch this video to learn how.

Life Without End​—At Last! (Song 140)

Sing along and imagine living forever in Paradise.

The Miracle of Life (Song 141)

Practice this song a few times and you’ll be ready to sing it at the Kingdom Hall.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize! (Song 144)

As you sing this song, think about how wonderful life will be in Paradise.

A Victory Song (Song 149)

Imitate Moses and the Israelites by singing this song of praise to Jehovah.