Become Jehovah’s Friend

Watch or download animated videos that teach children valuable Bible lessons.

Lesson 1: Obey Your Parents

Why is it important to obey your parents? Watch this video and learn the answer along with Caleb.

Lesson 2: Obey Jehovah

Does it matter which toys you play with? Watch this video and see how Caleb becomes Jehovah’s friend.

Lesson 3: Pray Anytime

This downloadable video lesson teaches children when and where they can pray to Jehovah.

Lesson 4: Stealing Is Bad

How does God view stealing? Read Exodus 20:15. Watch the video and learn more with Caleb.

Lesson 5: Let’s Go in Service

Is Sophia ready to go in field service? Watch the video, and you can get prepared along with her.

Lesson 6: Please and Thank You

Caleb finds out that saying these words makes all the difference.

Lesson 7: Giving Makes You Happy

There are many ways you can give to others. Can you think of some?

Lesson 8: Be Neat and Clean

Jehovah has a place for everything. Learn how you can be neat and tidy too!

Lesson 9: “Jehovah . . . Created All Things”

Do you know what was the first thing that God made? Learn with Caleb in what order things were created.

Lesson 10: Be Kind and Share

Watch how Caleb and Sophia have a lot more fun when they share their things with each other.

Lesson 11: Forgive Freely

How should you treat someone who has done something wrong to you?

Lesson 12: Caleb and Sophia Visit Bethel

Join Caleb and Sophia as they look at pictures of their trip to Bethel. See what kind of work is done there.

Lesson 13: Jehovah Will Help You Be Bold

What can help you to have courage to tell others about Jehovah?

Lesson 14: Prepare Your Comment

What are the four steps to preparing a comment for the meetings?

Lesson 15: Pay Attention at the Meetings

Why is it important to listen and learn at the meetings?

Lesson 17: Protect Your Children

Caleb and Sophia get helpful tips so they can be safe.

Lesson 18: Respect Jehovah’s House

How can you show proper respect for Jehovah’s house of worship?

Lesson 19: Be Generous

What good things happen because Jehovah’s people are generous?

Lesson 20: Be Truthful

Why should you always tell the truth?

Lesson 21: You Can Be Patient!

Watch the video to see what helps Caleb to be patient.

Lesson 22: One Man, One Woman

What is God’s standard for marriage, and why is it important?

Lesson 23: Jehovah’s Name

Do you know the meaning of God’s name?

Lesson 24: Jehovah Designed All Things

God made so many amazing things! What’s your favorite?

Lesson 25: Making Friends

Who can be your friend in the congregation?

Lesson 26: The Ransom

How does Jesus’ ransom sacrifice help us now?

Lesson 27: See Yourself in Paradise

Do you see yourself in the new world?

Lesson 28: Endure Despite Unjust Treatment

How can the Bible example of Joseph help us to endure unfair treatment?

Lesson 29: Be Humble

Caleb learns what it means to be humble.

Lesson 30: Enduring Loss

When we lose a loved one in death, what can help us to endure?

Lesson 31: Love Jehovah’s House

Do you share in cleaning the Kingdom Hall?

Lesson 32: Be Good in the Ministry

Before you go in the ministry, there are three steps you must learn.

Lesson 33: Make Jehovah Happy

What you do every day can make God’s heart rejoice.

Lesson 34: Help Others

When a disaster strikes, what can you do to help?

Lesson 35: The Best Use of Time

Time is a gift from Jehovah. You should use it wisely.

Lesson 36: Discipline Is Love

Why does Jehovah discipline the ones he loves?

Lesson 37: Making Sacrifices

Jesus always made sacrifices to help others. How can you imitate Jesus?

Lesson 38: Love Your Neighbor

How can you imitate the neighborly Samaritan and show love for your neighbor?

Lesson 40: Jehovah Forgives

If we make a mistake, should we give up? Let’s see what Caleb learns from a Bible story.

Lesson 41: Should We Celebrate Birthdays?

How can you help others understand why you don’t celebrate birthdays?

Lesson 43: Does Jehovah Answer Prayers?

You can pray to Jehovah for help, and he will listen.

Lesson 44: Don’t Give Up

How do you feel when people don’t want to hear the good news? Find out what Caleb and Sophia do.

Lesson 45: Why Obey God if We Can’t See Him?

Even though we can’t see God, why do we obey him? Let’s see how Sophia answers this question.

Lesson 47: Who Should Be My Friend?

Jehovah wants you to have friends, but how can you make good ones?

Become an Unbaptized Publisher

Caleb learns about becoming an unbaptized publisher.

The Steps to Baptism

Sophia learns about the steps to qualify for baptism.

Become Jehovah’s Friend Preview: You Are Precious to Jehovah

Zoe learns that being different can be a good thing.

You Are Precious to Jehovah

Zoe learns that like Jesus, she can be precious in Jehovah’s eyes.

The Greatest Act of Love

Find out why Jesus’ sacrifice was the greatest gift.

An Animated Series That Touches Little Hearts

Jehovah’s Witnesses produce an animated video series to help children apply Bible principles. Go behind the scenes to see how these videos are made.