Song 129 Holding Fast to Our Hope PLAY Holding Fast to Our Hope Sorry, the media player failed to load. Download This Video Show Text Version Hide Text Version (Hebrews 6:18, 19) 1. Men have been groping for centuries in darkness. Vain is their quest as they try to catch the wind. Man’s tragic flaw is revealed in its starkness: None can they save, for they all have sinned. (CHORUS) Sing with good cheer, for God’s Kingdom is here! His Son’s mighty reign brings us freedom from fear. Through him, at last, evil soon will be past; This hope, like an anchor, is holding us fast. 2. “God’s day is near!” rings the Kingdom proclamation; Men will no longer cry out to God: “How long?” Soon he will free all his groaning creation. Praise God Almighty, and join our song. (CHORUS) Sing with good cheer, for God’s Kingdom is here! His Son’s mighty reign brings us freedom from fear. Through him, at last, evil soon will be past; This hope, like an anchor, is holding us fast. (See also Hab. 1:2, 3; Ps. 27:14; Joel 2:1; Rom. 8:22.) Previous Next Print Share Share Holding Fast to Our Hope Sing to Jehovah Holding Fast to Our Hope American Sign Language Holding Fast to Our Hope /assets/ct/ebc521c5d3/images/syn_placeholder_sqr.png sn 129