Song 32 Be Steadfast, Unmovable! PLAY Be Steadfast, Unmovable! Sorry, the media player failed to load. Download This Video Show Text Version Hide Text Version (1 Corinthians 15:58) 1. Nations are troubled as never before. People are fearful of what lies in store. Firm and unmovable we need to be, Serving our God faithfully. (CHORUS) Steadfast we all need to be; Far from this world we keep free, As we feed on God’s truth and keep integrity. 2. Snares of this world and temptations abound. We can resist if our thinking is sound. If we hold fast to what God says is true, Safely he’ll carry us through. (CHORUS) Steadfast we all need to be; Far from this world we keep free, As we feed on God’s truth and keep integrity. 3. Give to God worship that comes from the heart. In the Lord’s service may we have a part. Preach the good news, always holding it fast. Soon the last days will have passed. (CHORUS) Steadfast we all need to be; Far from this world we keep free, As we feed on God’s truth and keep integrity. (See also Luke 21:9; 1 Pet. 4:7.) Previous Next Print Share Share Be Steadfast, Unmovable! Sing to Jehovah Be Steadfast, Unmovable! American Sign Language Be Steadfast, Unmovable! /assets/ct/ebc521c5d3/images/syn_placeholder_sqr.png sn 32