How excited we are to have a new brochure and book for conducting Bible studies! We pray for Jehovah to bless our efforts to make many more disciples. (Mt 28:18-20; 1Co 3:6-9) How do we use the new tools?
Since Enjoy Life Forever!, the interactive Bible course, presents a new way to teach, follow these general guidelines as you prepare for and conduct Bible studies.*
Read the material, and discuss the questions
Read the “read” scriptures, and help the student to understand their application
Play and discuss the videos, using any questions that are provided
Try to cover each lesson in one session
In the ministry, offer the brochure first to determine a person’s interest. (See the box “How to Offer the Enjoy Life Forever! Brochure on the Initial Call.”) If you finish studying the brochure together and the student wants to continue, then offer the book and start with lesson 04. If you are already studying with someone in the Teach Us book or the Remain in God’s Love book, transfer to the Enjoy Life Forever! book and determine where in it to begin.
^ par. 4NOTE: Although the “Explore” section is optional during the study, take time to read or watch each item as you prepare. Then, you will know what may especially appeal to and help your student. The electronic version includes links to the videos and supplementary material.