Mary—Humble and Willing

Mary—Humble and Willing


  1. 1. To Mary’s home in Galilee,

    Jehovah’s angel came one day.

    That angel’s name was Gabriel,

    And this is what he had to say:

    ‘Jehovah chose you as the one

    To be the mother of his Son.

    The pow’r of God will be with you,

    And there is nothing he can’t do.’


    So Mary kept these words in her heart,

    And she agreed to do her own part.


    I can learn from Mary;

    I can be as faithful;

    I can have a part in things God does.

    Listen and obey and make Jehovah happy—

    I can be like Mary was.

  2. 2. Inside her was a miracle;

    It was the seed of Jesus’ life.

    Then Joseph did as he was told,

    And Mary then became his wife.

    The child was born in Bethlehem,

    With just a manger for his bed.

    It all came true as prophesied;

    It happened just as God had said.


    And so they raised him up as a boy,

    And Jesus brought his parents much joy.


    I can learn from Mary;

    I can be as faithful;

    I can have a part in things God does.

    Listen and obey and make Jehovah happy—

    I can be like Mary was.


    I can learn from Mary;

    I can be as faithful;

    I can have a part in things God does.

    Listen and obey and make Jehovah happy—

    I can be like Mary was.