Mɛni-kpɔlui Maa-ŋuŋ Saaɓai
The Israelite dem wor force to work hard because they wor slave. Jehovah send Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh with this message: ‘Let my people go so they can worship me in the wilderness.’ Pharaoh wor proud, so he say: ‘I not care about what Jehovah say, and I will not allow the Israelite dem to go.’ Then Pharaoh started forcing them to work hard more. Jehovah wor coming to teach Pharaoh lesson. You know how he do it? He bring Ten Punishments on the Egyptians. Jehovah tell Moses say: ‘Pharaoh not want listen to me. In the morning, he will be to the Nile River. So you must go to him and tell him, because he not let my people go, the whole Nile River will turn to blood.’ Moses obey Jehovah and go to Pharaoh. Pharaoh wor there when Aaron put his stick in the Nile River, and the whole river turn to blood. Then the water start smelling, the fish dem die, and they wor not having good water to drink from the Nile River. But still, Pharaoh refuse to let the Israelite dem go.
After seven days, Jehovah send Moses back to Pharaoh with this message: ‘If you not let my people go, frogs will be all over in Egypt.’ Aaron lift up his stick, and frogs wor everywhere in Egypt. Frogs wor all in their house, on their bed, and in their dishes dem. The frog dem wor all over! Pharaoh tell Moses to beg Jehovah to stop the punishment. And he promise Moses that he will let the Israelite dem go. So Jehovah stop the punishment, and the Egyptians pack the frog dem that die. The whole country wor smelling stink. But again, Pharaoh not let Jehovah people go.
Then Jehovah tell Moses say: ‘Aaron must hit the ground with his stick, and the dust will turn to gnats or small-small fly dem that can bite.’ Right away the fly dem wor all over. Some of Pharaoh own people started telling him say: ‘This punishment coming from God.’ But still, Pharaoh not let the Israelite dem go.
“I will make them know my power and my might, and they will have to know that my name is Jehovah.”—Jeremiah 16:21