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From left to right, top row: Brother Vladimir Kochnev and his wife, Galina; Brother Vladislav Kolbanov. Bottom row: Brother Pavel Lekontsev and his wife, Oksana; Brother Sergey Logunov and his wife, Larisa; Brother Nikolay Zhugin and his wife, Galina

OCTOBER 1, 2021 | UPDATED: AUGUST 29, 2023

UPDATE—BROTHERS CONVICTED | Five Brothers Determined to Endure Despite Persecution

UPDATE—BROTHERS CONVICTED | Five Brothers Determined to Endure Despite Persecution

On August 28, 2023, the Promyshlenniy District Court of Orenburg convicted Brothers Vladimir Kochnev, Vladislav Kolbanov, Pavel Lekontsev, Sergey Logunov, and Nikolay Zhugin. The brothers received suspended prison sentences of between two years and six months and three years and six months. They are not required to go to prison at this time.

Time Line

  1. March 1, 2021

    More than a year after the case was returned to the prosecutor’s office, hearings began in the Promyshlenniy District Court of Orenburg

  2. January 14, 2020

    The criminal case was returned to the prosecutor’s office due to the vague nature of the accusation

  3. August 3, 2018

    Vladimir was released from a pretrial detention center after 79 days and placed under house arrest

  4. May 16, 2018

    Authorities searched the homes of 19 families in the Orenburg Region. Vladimir and Vladislav were sent to a temporary detention facility. Vladislav was released to house arrest three days later

  5. May 14, 2018

    The Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Orenburg Region initiated a criminal case against all five brothers


As the legal battle over their faith has continued for more than three years, it is evident that our dear brothers are determined to remain loyal to Jehovah. It is equally clear that Jehovah is acting in loyalty towards them.—2 Samuel 22:26.