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A couple and their young son standing on a mountain ledge above a peaceful river valley.

A Real Hope for a Better Tomorrow

A Real Hope for a Better Tomorrow

 Are you optimistic about the future? Many people try to remain positive despite the serious problems we face today. But can we realistically expect things to get better? Yes! The Bible gives us a solid hope for a better tomorrow.

 What hope does the Bible provide?

 The Bible acknowledges that humankind faces tremendous problems. However, it promises that these problems will not afflict us indefinitely. Consider a few specific examples.

  •   Problem: Homelessness

     What the Bible says: “They will build houses and live in them.”—Isaiah 65:21.

     What it means for the future: People will enjoy their own home.

  •   Problem: Unemployment and poverty

     What the Bible says: “The work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full.”—Isaiah 65:22.

     What it means for the future: All humans will have satisfying, enjoyable, and rewarding work.

  •   Problem: Injustice

     What the Bible says: “Princes will rule for justice.”—Isaiah 32:1.

     What it means for the future: Racial, social, and economic injustice will be eradicated forever. Everyone will be treated fairly.

  •   Problem: Malnutrition and Hunger

     What the Bible says: “There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow.”—Psalm 72:16.

     What it means for the future: Everyone will have access to an abundance of healthy food. No one will go to bed hungry or suffer from malnutrition.

  •   Problem: Crime and violence

     What the Bible says: “They will sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and no one will make them afraid.”—Micah 4:4.

     What it means for the future: Everyone will feel safe and secure because wicked people will be gone, and “the righteous will possess the earth.”—Psalm 37:10, 29.

  •   Problem: War

     What the Bible says: “Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.”—Isaiah 2:4.

     What it means for the future: Peace will prevail earth wide. (Psalm 72:7) No one will need to mourn the death of a loved one killed in war or seek refuge from war zones.

  •   Problem: Sickness and disease

     What the Bible says: “No resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”—Isaiah 33:24.

     What it means for the future: People will no longer suffer from disabilities or get sick. (Isaiah 35:5, 6) The Bible even promises that “death will be no more.”—Revelation 21:4.

  •   Problem: Damage to the environment

     What the Bible says: “The wilderness and the parched land will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron.”—Isaiah 35:1.

     What it means for the future: The earth will become a global paradise for humans to inhabit, as God originally intended.—Genesis 2:15; Isaiah 45:18.

 Is the hope the Bible offers us too good to be true?

 Understandably, you may feel that it is. However, we encourage you to examine further what the Bible says about the future. Why? The promises found in the Bible are different from the promises and predictions that people make. The promises found in the Bible are from God. Here is why that makes a big difference:

  •   God is trustworthy. The Bible says that God “cannot lie.” (Titus 1:2) In addition, only God has the ability to foretell the future. (Isaiah 46:10) The Bible contains countless examples that prove that what God foretells always comes true. For more information, watch the video How Can We Be Sure the Bible Is True?

  •   God has the power to solve our problems. The Bible says that God has the power to do “everything he pleases to do.” (Psalm 135:5, 6) In other words, nothing can stop God from fulfilling his promises. What is more, God wants to help us because he loves us.—John 3:16.

 Naturally, you may wonder, ‘If God wants to help us and has the power to help us, why do we still experience so many problems?’ To answer that question, watch the video Why Does God Allow Suffering?

 How will this hope come about?

 God will use his Kingdom, a government in heaven, to fulfill his promises. He has appointed Jesus Christ as Ruler of that Kingdom, and he has given him authority to care for the earth and the people on it. When Jesus was on earth, he cured the sick, fed the hungry, controlled the weather, and even resurrected the dead. (Mark 4:39; 6:41-44; Luke 4:40; John 11:43, 44) He thus showed what he would do as King of God’s Kingdom.

 Watch the video What Is God’s Kingdom? to learn more about how God’s Kingdom will benefit you.

 When will this hope be fulfilled?

 Soon! How can we be sure? The Bible foretold events that would signal that God’s Kingdom is about to begin its rule over the earth. (Luke 21:10, 11) Present world conditions match what the Bible foretold.

 To learn more, read the article “When Will God’s Kingdom Rule the Earth?

 How can the hope the Bible offers us help you today?

 One Bible writer compared the hope that the Bible gives to an “anchor for the soul.” (Hebrews 6:19) Just as an anchor keeps a ship steady during a storm, the Bible’s solid hope for the future can help us weather the problems we face today. Our hope can protect our emotional and mental stability, and even our physical well-being.—1 Thessalonians 5:8.