On March 15, 2023, the Rwandan minister of education ordered schools across the country to readmit Jehovah’s Witnesses who had been suspended for refusing to participate in religious customs that violated their conscience. At least 80 students had been dismissed from school.
The minister of education called for an end to the expulsions in a letter sent to all district mayors and district executive administrators throughout Rwanda. Referencing the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda, she stated: “Every Rwandan has the right to education. Freedom of thought, conscience, religion, worship and public manifestation thereof is guaranteed by the State.” She also wrote that anyone preventing a child from attending class “commits a fault and is liable to an administrative sanction.” She reminded school officials that “no student must be dismissed from school due to his or her thought, conscience, religion or worship . . . Therefore, the management of schools must stop such malpractices and readmit the dismissed students.”
Among those who were dismissed was young Sister Jeanette Niyonkuru. She explains: “After I was suspended, I was out of school for a year. Though I finally found a school that would accept me, I had to walk for two hours every day to attend classes.” Those unable to travel to distant schools were forced to discontinue their education.
Brother and Sister Hakizimana’s three children were dismissed from school after they refused to participate in school-imposed religious activities. Brother Hakizimana states: “We sent a letter to the school’s headmaster, but he did not respond. We even arranged a meeting with the school director. He listened to our children explain their stand using the Bible, but the matter was not resolved. We were happy to hear about the minister’s directive. We met with the district authorities afterward, and our children were allowed to return to school.”
We appreciate the minister of education issuing this directive, which upholds the rights of our schoolchildren in Rwanda. These young ones have maintained “a good conscience,” bringing honor to Jehovah’s name.—1 Peter 3:16.